Bill Reed

Did it include the issue where Napoleon fights Hitler? That's a good one.

They'll have to pry my copy of Shaq Fu from my cold, dead fingers.

He defeats the villain by inventing Betamax. That along would have me defend this episode to my dying days.

We'd be talking about the Kelsey Grammer years instead of the Colin Baker years.

Dalton Wilcox is great though I've heard that bit several times, so hoped they'd do something new with it.


At the same time, Desperate Housewives competed as a comedy. None of that shit made any sense.

They ate those kids.

I'm surprised it took this long in the thread for "Thirteen Floor" to come up. That girl with no face… that would probably still freak me out. (IMDB tells me Aaron Ashmore and Christopher Heyerdahl were in that episode).

For a while I was sure there were only two episodes of this show, as they only seemed to air Zeebo and the Super Specs over and over again.

Late to the party here, but the idea of the song is that you're *supposed* to think he's a creepy stalker but then it is revealed that they are still together and wandering around the old apartment for nostalgic purposes. The "you" is the current tenant as Bus Uncle says.

… I like Moonraker.

Pretty sure she's just using her own voice.

Well, my top three, let's say in chronological order, are:

Of the 30+ Allen films I've seen, Interiors is probably my least favorite. Tall Dark Stranger was pretty bad, too.

I much prefer the "wander around and see what happens" comicon coverage to the "here's what happened in the big rooms!" that every other website is already covering. I want to know what's overlooked, because the small stuff is the real reason to go to these things.

Yeah. I love Jenny Lewis. But that episode where Oz and whatsherface have werewolf humps and he leaves is like the worst episode of the series. So I'm glad two things I like did not intermingle.

Nope, that was the best one.

Sontarans do have that sphincter on the back of their necks.

"There are some who call me……. Tim."