Bill Reed

I found this to be the best episode so far, and probably the one they should have started with.

No, the French horn returns in a later episode, so you're sane.

Their first story is still their best. Creepy as hell and they kill the Doctor at the end (sort of).

Daleks are Nazis. The Cybermen are Commies.

We already saw who took the Master's ring. It was just some lady. They brought him back in The End of Time. It was pants.

You're not fooling anyone, Evil Todd!

Mysterious Lady Bad Guy is probably Cheshire, right? I can't think of who else it would be.

A deleted scene included Jenny and Red Doctor performing Puttin' on the Ritz.

It was Rubber Man.

This episode was great, but maybe it's because I miss Awake.

The extras did a pretty good job keeping it together.

This was Beast Below meets The End of the World— not as good as either of those but still fun.

Going by the picture, I'm assuming the whole movie is a segment cut from Holy Motors.

I like to think a Silent was chilling in the Tardis the whole time, pressing buttons until it went kablooey, but none of that was explained or made any sense.

In the Xmas episode they revealed Ian McKellan was just Baby Withnail doing a deep voice (no, really, they did). So technically it was him all along.

Nah, Captain Jack bites it in the finale and Tommy goes all Harry Osborn in season 2.

In the site FAQ, the creators recommend a 99-cent price point.

I love Ghostbusters II but I really don't like Caddyshack— no, stay away, I'm the sane one, you're all crazy

I thought this was great; much better than the previous two. And one out of one me's can't be wrong!

It didn't. It was terrible.