Unrepentant Racist

This risotto is too well done to be sandpeople. This is Imperial cuisine.

Hello 'Frisco!

Charisma: Carpenter.

Salt 2: Pinch this!

I am here, sorry I am late, did I miss my cue?

I had to look that up.

And that is why all the ice creams in Argentina were disappeared, cousin Larry.

One cone please, vanilla, with extra Jimmies.


Gay Ice Creams:

Maybe he meant Maelsh Howe'er, which is Gaelic for "Man's asshole."

And the stuttering/retarded/deformed man-on-the-scene reporter.

Subtle, Dark Passenger, again I appreciate your reference, James Taylor no less.

I looked that up.

You guys are all assholes. Enough with the talky talk, make funny or I go Apeshit Froman all over your asses.

My dick, which is also a supremacist.

What about the light cycle toy? You pull the plastic 'rip cord' out the back and that fucker went all Evel Kenievel stunt cycle on shit.

I thought this was about Dave Chappelle's dice-throwing character, no?

So this movie is about what's happening when I plug my dick into a socket and put on my virtual reality goggles and pretend to fuck famous starlets?

For movies, September = Shit
(February too)