
Not as funny as some of her other stuff. I thought her 'Sell the Vatican' one was great. This one seemed like an incomplete idea that she didn't bother to develop.

Not as funny as some of her other stuff. I thought her 'Sell the Vatican' one was great. This one seemed like an incomplete idea that she didn't bother to develop.

I try to celebrate that right every day

I try to celebrate that right every day

Wait, don't bury the lead! Meatballs, you say? Tell me more about these meatballs. Is there some kind of sauce involved? Are they served with a starch or just on their own?

Wait, don't bury the lead! Meatballs, you say? Tell me more about these meatballs. Is there some kind of sauce involved? Are they served with a starch or just on their own?

Both in the books and in the series, I was always hoping that Theon would turn the tables on his father. If it were me, I'd be all 'WTF Dad, why are you giving me all this shit? You're the one that started a war, LOST LIKE A CHUMP, and I was taken prisoner as a little kid."

I'm very disappointed that the picture didn't have a red "NO" over it.

Regarding Evil and the presence of/or lack of:

Grover. Watch the old Sesame Street eps with him as a waiter. Comic genius. On top of that you have Super Grover, so really it's not even a very fair contest.

Elton cheated by using the reggae guitars of Dr. Winston O'Boogie.

Paul McC teaches you how to make mashed potatoes, just because.

I'd put Cha higher than Con, but that's just preference I guess.

I got the impression that Sir Paul was trying to make his own "Give Peace A Chance" when he shoved "Freedom" down our throats, which is a bit funny considering how hawkish the song come across.

Phil Simms, you can go barefoot all you like, that still doesn't make you the Paul McCartney of sports. Yeesh.

Er, how about most of BSG?

These guys get knocked down, but then they get up again
It just seems like nothing is ever going to bring them down.

Never cared for her music that much…
…but as a person I have great admiration. She's also got a killer sense of humor.

He used to do it in his live shows, not sure if he does anymore.

Nature Trail to Hell!!!! In 3d!!!!
Thanks, got that going through my head over and over now.