
She was definitely in the best Bring It On movie, that's all I know.

The writing, direction, effects (that stupid CG suit), and pretty much everything else other than Reynolds were the problem with the first film.

You can't blame her for being bummed. She gave up that toe for nothing. It wasn't fair.

I actually prefer the live at Glasgow version of Coming Up on All The Best. But either way, I disagree, it's a fun song. Check My Machine and Secret Friend are better, as I mentioned in a different thread.

She had a pain at the party, and yet you still feel the need to give her shit about this.

Even more than Coming Up or Wonderful Christmastime, I think Macca's boundary pushing genius is more obvious on McCartney II deep cuts like Check My Machine and Secret Friend. So far beyond what anybody was doing back then. Of course, he was the one that made the freaky tape loops for Tomorrow Never Knows, so we

Wait wait wait! Was the mirror house is Evanston, IL? Because I looked at that house too, and as soon as we saw the carpet house on New Girl, my wife and I just looked at each other and actually said 'mirror house.'

Oscar is severely underrated. I also read that Curry's role of Dr. Thornton Poole was his favorite, so there is that. Nicely rounded dipthongs and whatnot.

At best the Internet deserves a participation award for this one. That's ok, Internet, you tried your best and that's what counts.

You've got to wonder. Did they realize how ridiculous the hat was at the time? Was that part of the plan just to get people talking?

I don't understand why it's a scam. In the movie, they almost tar and feather him, which is a horrific form of punishment.They paid for band uniforms and got them. They paid for instruments and got them. Sure he made it sound like they would get musical instruction along with it, but honestly did the townspeople truly

Not gonna lie, I read this article specifically to hear him talk about Johnny Blue Jeans.

It's a lyric from the song, not sure what else to say here.

I know now why the caged bird pukes in her mouth, just a little bit.

I've only watched a part of one episode, and have to say it came across as foul-mouthed and mean-spirited, two things I usually find funny (when done right at least). That said, I didn't really think Veep was very funny. It seemed like it was trying to hard to be, well, foul-mouthed and mean-spirited.

Wife and I both cheered. Plus he died like a chump. He could've shot the missile and then taken cover, knowing the other chopper would crash. But no, poor stupid Danny had to just stand there with no cover, just asking for it. Good times.

If you need me, I"ll be in the van.

If you need me, I"ll be in the van.

Another vote for the 3. They hung out in a private junkyard and rode around in a paid-for limo. I mean, wtf, why hasn't Hollywood mangled this one beyond recognition yet?

Another vote for the 3. They hung out in a private junkyard and rode around in a paid-for limo. I mean, wtf, why hasn't Hollywood mangled this one beyond recognition yet?