
Yep, my vote is also for Turn To You. I love it when Belinda really belts out 'Now GET MY MESSSSSAGGEEE.' Best part of the song.

My only hope…
…is that the film will portray Mike Love as the true asshole he is.

Can you put your head in your hands, OH NO!

Not surprisingly, nobody in that pic would actually make a super tramp.

I can't speak for Jo Rowling, but my impression (again purely speculation) is not that she's afraid to try something new (and possibly fail), but that she's discovered the well isn't as dry as she thought it was, that there are corners of her world she still wants to explore, and characters she wants to play around

It's all good, Santos.

Wow, a lot of words and intentions being put into my mouth? Condescending? It was a joke. If you disagree with me and loved the movie, more power to you, wtf do I care?

The rat symbolizes obviousness
The temptation to go to a second showing and suddenly stand up in the theater, wagging a dildo, is always unbearable though, isn't it?

Don't really care that much at this point…
…but if she wants to write another book, she should write another book. If she doesn't she should move on.

From the looks of this shit sandwich, I'm guessing that Ryan Reynolds isn't even on list of top 10 things wrong with this *cough* film. Not defending the guy, but there are bigger fish to fry here.

You've convinced me.

I'm not convinced.

Mmmmm… double D's.

Ryan try to be good hard worker Hal…
…but Green Lantern film so messy, so so messy.

Really? no Alan Scott firsties? I'm disappointed.

I forgot English accents!

Does Clark Gregg…
…drive a black van and have corporate sponsorship? Does he have evil facial hair? Does he shove or strike a small child? Mob ties? Cheats a blind old lady? Is he inordinately preppy? Does he have cretinous hooligan sidekicks? Ugly facial scars? A CELL PHONE????!??!?!?

I saw him at the Old Ebbitt Grill in DC years ago.
He was eating lunch, a salad perhaps?

Interview vs. Writing a Feature
Todd, I love your work, and probably make an effort to read your articles more than any other single writer on AV Club.

It's a great great tune, with kinda crummy lyrics and a way overblown guitar solo interlude that almost derails everything. I think that's why most people that use it in soundtracks only use a very specific (and awesome) part of the song. Great tune, anyhow.