
I'm assuming the younger one is going to King's Landing with her mom to be The Mountain's new plaything.

I feel like Littlefinger could have used more tact than comparing Cat and Sansa, but I thought Jon would at least go to Sansa afterwards and be like 'Littlefinger better have the bluest balls and the shuttiest mouth when I get back'. He didn't even mention it to her.

My guess for season's end is one dragon is with the white walkers, one is dead by Cersei and one is still with Dany (probably Drogon).

For some reason, AV Club will only let me use my AV Club account to finish my comment and say that to be fair, I edited my comment too because I decided I didn't want to accept someone calling me a prick so I said whatever and blocked instead because no one was understanding I don't want to know if the leaks are

Cool beans.

Ah. Good.

That made no sense to me. Cersei does it, she's a mad, evil bitch; Daenerys does it and everyone's like 'Ooh, girl's got some sass!'

Wasn't that her hanging from the ship? I could be wrong, I was literally watching through my hands while calling Theon a dickhead.

Rule the World is seriously one of my favourite songs. I can put up with seeing Mark Owen's stupid smug face for that song.

Well, they are back together now too so I'd say we can talk about B*Witched but whether we should…

I'm more excited for the Netflix show starring Pedro Pascal. Is that still happening? Because that dude needs to be in more stuff.

It's like crack. We, the fans, know it's really bad but goddamn if we can't give it up. I spent about ten minutes last week shouting 'Don't make him give her a magical abortion, Regina!' You know you shouldn't watch because there's a chance of an evil queen using a magic pen and paper to shank the baby of Robin Hood

I've been waiting until the entire first season ends to watch Gotham but the fact that I've heard no one talking about it makes me think it's just so damn mediocre, people instantly forget about it the minute the episode ends.

I have an English degree. I don't have a future in anything.

About four or five minutes in, I was just thinking 'This is getting to Man of Steel levels of collateral damage.' I couldn't enjoy it more after that. I know Tony was adamant to protect people but too much destruction was happening.

I'm calling it now: 2016 will see the revival of Sabrina the Teenage Witch with Melissa Joan Hart playing the mom of a new teenage witch.

Oh my God, just stop it! I have all lady parts and I loved the 21 Jump Street movies! I don't need a female version!

Wasn't there a big hullabaloo over Idris Elba accidentally letting slip that Tom Hiddleston was making a cameo with him in this movie? Did they cut Loki out, because it would have made sense to have him there through Thor's nightmare (thinking he's dead and all)? And it didn't really make a lot of sense for Pepper not

I did love the friendliness between them this time round (though Bruce and Nat felt clunky and shoved in without good reason) but then scenes such as Hulk vs Stark's Hulkbuster went on too long and was too much collateral damage for me. Basically, the down time was better in this film, the action and the villain were

The first scene, Thor's hammer and Vision's introduction are the best parts of the movie, which are all mostly due to the chattiness so I can kinda see why more was wanted. I think a lot of people basically want an 'Avengers as F.R.I.E.N.D.S.' style sitcom, just hanging out at Avengers HQ and chilling.