
You're thinking logically and we're talking about Jon Snow.

She's gonna meet up with the Hound and we're gonna see if he lets her kill the BWB or will he try to stop her. Either way, I want them to meet up and him to go North with her, so he can reunite with Sansa too. Sandor with both Stark girls, I needs it.

Yeah, but when that Lord Paramount got his control by murdering your family, it's hard not to take that personally, I guess.

I want Tom Hopper on the throne now that he's on the show, so you could be right about getting our hopes up.

We'll just tell her she's being a shit ruler and she will never, ever mind because that's how power-hungry dragon mothers who constantly seek revenge and call it justice for her vendettas work.

Dickhead's gonna be a dickhead.

Oh, is that why? I hadn't realised Stroma had gotten another show. But yeah, I don't think Tom Hopper would come off a main role in one show to be a glorified extra in another, so I'm assuming Dickon is gonna get a storyline.

I think she'll probably get the Septa Unella treatment or else be killed in the open for the KL pop. to enjoy. I have no idea, but I'm excited to see what Cersei cooks up.

I think he was in GOT before Outlander so he probably wasn't as big a TV name back then, and then couldn't do anything with him when he got the other TV show. Though to be fair, what more could they have done with Edmure?

I haven't seen the last series yet because I don't know if I can stomach more Eleanor and Max in charge FOR NO REASON.

I don't think I'm important at all, I just know from experience that some people find absolute joy in spoiling things for people who don't want spoilers. Don't know if there's anyone like that on here but there is definitely people like that on the internet.

(C) after saving Sansa from being tortured, immediately traded Sansa to be tortured and raped.

Yeah, Dick didn't seem to find Sam as odious as their father did last season, so I could see him saying 'fuck this' to old Tarly's plans to side with Cersei against the Tyrells. I haven't seen the last season of Black Sails yet but I'm assuming BB doesn't fare too well, considering where he is at the start of Treasure

Yup, love that dude.

I mean, Dany did do it to a bunch of wise masters whose guilt she had no proof of. She even said that to them, that it didn't matter. She was pissed off about Barristan. Cersei did it to a load of people who were looking to see her punished out of their own petty glee.

Definitely, but she's gonna be a lot more brutal about it.

Dickon being changed from Cormac McLaggen to Tom Hopper can only mean one thing, we're getting more Dickon. This show always changes up the less important kids when they're going to get more screen time.

Davos is a machine at convincing people to do the shit he wants them to do though, whereas Brienne fails pretty much every time.

Tyrion also never mentioned in his scroll to Jon that Daenerys wants him to bend the knee. He will in his fuck, not until those white walkers are dead and gone.

Man, that whole scene with Daenerys and Varys, I was like 'How has this not been brought up until now?! You two were on the same boat!' No wonder he was giving her stink eye in last season's finale, she literally ignored him the entire way there.