
I have to say, it doesn't beat the first one by a long mile for me. Ultron isn't half the villain Loki was, and too much time was devoted to throwing in new characters and cameos than building on the characters we already had who sorely need it. It's a big set up for Phase 3, which is fine if you're a big Marvel fan

I agree about Natasha and Bruce's romance; there was no point and it didn't really evolve the characters any more than not having it would have. It was like someone attached a note to the first draft and went 'Needs a love story to get girls in' and Joss Whedon just shoved it in between other lines.

There's something about Chocolat that I love that I can't put my finger on. Oh wait, yes I can; it's Irish Johnny Depp and all the chocolate. Yup, nailed it.

It was actually supposed to be the song that transitioned Elsa into the villain of the movie but after hearing it, the producers were like 'This is too uplifting, let's change that.'

I need a Hogwarts' Founders series! Most people want a Marauders' series which would be awesome but I wanna go way, way back.

All I want is a televised production of National Theatre Live's Coriolanus starring Tom Hiddleston Mark Gatiss and Alfie Enoch. Hiddleston was apparently sublime in the role and they did bring the show to movie theatres in selected theatres but nowhere near where I live. Just let the rest of us see it, please!

Only if Ricky Gervais does his gay genie like on Extras.

I would actually love that casting, he'd be perfect but I don't think the network would be brave enough to cast him since he divided opinions too much.

I cannot wait for a new Will Smith movie that isn't just a vehicle for his kids.

No, I didn't. I said if that was used as an excuse after the event, and again I was replying to other commenters who were speculating that's what the people involved might say but no one actually did, then that was not good enough. I know my own argument and I can write as much as I want on it. If you can't comprehend

Nope, I always said that Shia not stopping her could have come down to multiple things and listed them. Most people are saying his mental state is being given as the cause and I completely agree with that. What I am saying is that people are saying that it wasn't stopped because the art piece was that no one would

That's not victim blaming. That's disagreeing with using 'art' as a reason to excuse yourself from stopping a crime from happening after the fact. Which I do disagree with. No one's story has been straight so we don't know what the events actually were but I didn't blame the victim, I didn't blame the onlookers, I

I think mine is definitely "Don't make me show you the back of my hand!" where there was a post-it saying 'Please Be Nice to Me'.

"You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting."

One of Johnny Depp's best performances and without a doubt, the most underrated. Fuck, he's amazing in this film.

I'm always conflicted when I see the Pushing Daisies cast land gigs like this. On one hand, I'm happy they're getting work because they deserve it but on the other hand, they're not free to go back to Pushing Daisies in the unlikely event that my dreams do come true.

Well she never did go to class in high school and college, I'm not surprised at Elena's lack of knowledge about…Anything.

I must be the only one who didn't get a romantic jealousy vibe off Caroline. There was definite jealousy there but I felt it was more 'I've been your support and your friend for fucking months while Elena ignored you for Damon but now that they can't be around each other, she's your best friend now? Fuck the both of

He definitely is a smug douchebag in the books which is a weak point in Dany's story, that Martin has written this young woman as a strong and powerful character who can still get blindsided by a terrible guy. Not very groundbreaking and a tired and cliche characteristic in writing women. Daario does care for Dany in

Thank you. As someone who does not live in America, it is incredibly frustrating that non-readers act all injured about spoilers but NEVER think to hold off from spoiling things when they themselves find things out. I have read the books and have never spoiled a plotline for anyone, never written anywhere where there