
I may be in the minority but I really prefer this new Daario to the old one. I hate the character of Daario in the books so I was hoping the television show improved on his character a bit and when he came in last season, I ended up hating him more. I actually lost a lot of respect for Dany for sleeping with him in

They missed the baby in Littlefinger's brothel, I think.

Didn't he go out of it to star in his own show? What happened to that show? Did it ever get off the ground?

I am so sick of Damon and Elena. Really, really sick of them. Stefan and Caroline are a breath of fresh air. Why the hell was Elena arguing with Damon not to kill Liv but the SECOND Jeremy appears, she's on Damon's side and not sure to back Jeremy up about something she was arguing for two seconds ago? She's by far

I saw that too but only that the scotch bottle was called Glencallen or something and that was the name of the scotch that Pierce left Jeff. I also noticed that one of the rejected Joe's (Sleep Apnea, I think?), the one who was hitting on Tight Ship, was modeled closely after Dan Harmon.

As much as I like(d) Johnny Depp (when is this guy going to stop fooling around with an actress who gets by on tits and ass, his mid-life crisis is getting exhausting to cringe at, and start making good films again?), there is NO chance he could re-do this story successfully. No one could do Nick Charles like William

Is she playing Sansa? I know Bonobo was supposed to be Tyrion but I didn't get that!

I was under the impression that we had more songs to re-do. Fans chose ten and I know 'Maybe This Time' and 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' were in there. Nice to see Glee underusing the talent like always and shafting Chenoweth into the back of the background with two measly scenes and like four measly lines.


To be honest, if NBC are going to market the show with the tag 'Six seasons and a movie', they're going to have to deliver on the sixth season. Otherwise they're just money-grabbing liars who care more about profits than keeping their word and we all know they're not that.

From what I read, he only ever took those cases for money as not a lot of other lawyers would touch them and no other work was coming his way.

I liked this episode but I thought so many different endings would have been better. I thought that when they all met up again, each group was going to mutiny Buzz and Hank and then team up together without them and kill the Necromancer so the bet wouldn't be won by either father or son. Or I thought Hank's team would

His real name was Eugene Fitzhurbert though so your improbably cool named grandparents might not be direct transcendants of the fictional Disney character after all!

Except for the fact that the ship in The Little Mermaid is a single-mast and the ship in Frozen has a double mast so definitely not the same ship…

I'm so annoyed they dropped his dyslexia storyline and then gave it to Ryder later on, like they forgot and then found an old notebook with the idea written in there years later.

I don't think that's how Bastian McKeen worded their response at all, they were just replying to something you commented which is what a comments section is for. Someone writes something to go out into a public forum and usually someone else replies with their own thoughts. That's all they did, just like how you

Forgive my stupidity but I didn't really understand Jeff's argument against the app at the end being the unregistered user. Can someone explain it to me? Why did it matter that it was now avaible for download for 99c and got five stars?

That seems so strange, I've often seen much, much more terrible things in the comments than pointing out something about a writer that he likes to intersperse into every paragraph he writes anyway. In my opinion, if he can't differentiate between death threats (which should be banned) and just honest negative

I think his open letter to Gwyneth Paltrow, trying to explain why everyone hates her but he connects with her because he's also a superior being is underrated comedy genius. The guy is the master of being able to write sarcasm so effortlessly.

Maybe you're right about him trying to genuinely give advice but I can't help but feel, from my own readings of him, that he seems to think his opinion holds more value than it does to a larger audience. I completely understand that as someone who has had several bad experiences in life, he does get the right to say