oh you men

Just hearing that Wild Horses cover makes me tear up. Other than that, I'm not sure any other Buffy songs stand out to me.

Oh God, that's right. That "we are the lucky ones" song. But I did notice that the more upbeat Bif Naked song is also used in the West Wing pilot…to introduce Moira Kelly.

Saved by the Bell must have driven you to the brink, then.

I like Homecoming, too. The one silly thing that bugs me when I watch it now is that stupid song that accompanies the montage. It's one of those late 90s, vaguely Gin Blossoms-sounding lite-rock songs and combined with the montage, it just seems out of place in Buffy's world. It never seems to bother anyone else

Yes, until Buffy returned as a Bad Girl and stole away Xander's attention.

Yeah, that's what I took away from it too. Watching for the first time, I was shocked at that development, but I don't think it's an altogether uncommon phenomenon. Plus, Willow did become a little cooler between seasons 2 and 3.

Hearst = Major Dad.

South Dakota is basically a vacation destination only for families who already live in the Midwest, to judge from the license plates, but it makes for a good old fashioned road trip (Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Badlands, Black Hills, etc.)

As a delicate lady Deadwood viewer, I have to say that the violence never got to me until Dan gouged out that dude's eye. That fight was awesome!

Real Deadwood
I'm so happy this is part of TV Club.

I haven't watched the early episodes in awhile, but I think you're right about the first part.

Except for that horrendous "documentary on CJ" episode late in the series.

She was never mentioned again (aka sent to Mandyville)

Hey now, there was room for both Carnivale and The Comeback. It wasn't like they canceled one for the other. Yes, I agree canning Carnivale was totally lame. But as comedies go, The Comeback was one of their better efforts. It was way more evil and uncomfortable than Curb Your Enthusiasm, and therefore divisive.

I also would've watched another season or two of Deadwood and The Comeback. And Mr. Show (obviously).

Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm talking about long-running shows that were actually, you know, good.

Hey, someone watched Arli$$.

Preparing for the End
I'm not too worried about Lost because they've known the end date for awhile. Much better that way than to have the show in limbo for several seasons, or dragging it out year after year. Most long-running shows should have ended 2-3 seasons before they actually did. HBO shows seem to be the

Mental is terrible. Do not waste your time.

Thanks, Mrs. Non-Gorilla. I will join you in the Brad Whitford/Richard Schiff crush time.