oh you men

I thought I was the only person who cared about Northern Exposure! (But I think the show was better before Chase took over.)

Yes, good call on the West Wing. Maybe Lemon Lyman will make an appearance in the discussions…

How could they possibly make any "progress" not knowing how much longer they have to draw this out? If the mystery angle is that important, they should set an end date, like Lost. As it is, I think they've done a pretty good job of weaving a story on a season to season basis.

Why can't she do her world traveling thing? It's not like Barney would be into the white picket fence routine anyway. We know that she's lived in some other countries, but that's it. It would be pretty boring to set those two up with a traditional relationship.

I have a feeling his teaching gig is more along the lines of Columbia Extension adult/continuing education, which would make his pompousness funnier.

Mercedes McCambridge is truly awesome in that movie.

It must have been pretty terrible because NBC has to pay a penalty for not picking it up. Just weeks ago, Kristin herself said that she was pretty sure there was no way they would pass. Must have been worse than an hour of Jay Leno.

|++, I think what it comes down to is that the Lost writers haven't really scored with a really intriguing female character who's also likable or a fan favorite. They've written some different "types" of women, but they haven't created a female Ben or Hurley or Locke, or even a Miles. None of the original women on

There already is a Lost recap band (name: Previously on Lost).

|++, Of all the female characters on the show, I probably feel the least connection with her. Kate has always made stupid decisions based on emotion and she's still doing it with her mission to find Claire and her rescue of lil' Ben. Maybe acting on emotion is a "female trait," but I can't really relate to her on

Tristiac - I'm with you on "whatever happened, happened." These past few episodes have continued to follow the closed loop, right down to Richard finding a wounded John Locke. This whole "we have to change the past, it's our destiny" thing might be a season-long red herring.

I don't know. I love The Ben Stiller show, but did you read that he said/she said book he wrote with Garofalo?

When I saw this topic, my immediate pick was Albert Brooks. Real Life, Lost in America, Modern Romance, Defending Your Life, his performance in Broadcast News…any one of those would earn the pass from me. I wonder if Brooks is ignored/under the radar because he's sort of a more populist Woody Allen type. He's

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that Carlton and Cuse made up the harassment suit to trick us all into thinking that Desmond will be killed off. If you read the actually complaint, it's a hell of a lot crazier than a DUI.

Sawyer's biggest mistake was not hitting Phil hard enough.

I'm so bothered by that commercial. Are they all his daughters? Isn't the littlest one trying to set him up with her grandma? Which would mean…

Stargirl, I thought Widmore wanted Miles to talk to the actual dead, like the Dharma people. But I'm not really sure what the point of that would be either. Ben wasn't exactly hard to find. Unless Widmore was looking for someone other than Ben.

Not sure about the pimp in his eyes (I think that may be a facelift), but Osborne is a seriously nice guy in person and really knows his stuff.

I'm going to be disappointed if we don't see Ben Linus rise up out of the water, shooting like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

M, you're so right about the falling to the knees thing. I was bracing for that classic distraught father move too. Emerson kept it in check though, even if the clips were a bit distracting.