oh you men

When you book someone like Martin, you're expecting (or at least hoping) that they'll talk about the most popular aspects of their career. I'm sure they pitched his people knowing he'd be doing publicity for the book, and then crossed their fingers that he'd discuss The Jerk and just plug the book at the end.

This has sent SHOCKWAVES through the boring lecture/panel discussion community.

I second Spring Break. Great fantasy sequences in that one and it works pretty well as a stand-alone.

Jaybee - Was it Stolen Women, Captured Hearts?

I'd read a TV Club Classic column too. I rewatched a few years ago, not having seen Northern Exposure since the original run. It holds up well. Even when the show got bad, it was still pretty interesting and original. Its reputation seems to have been a bit marred by the acrimony over Rob Morrow leaving, but it's a

I assumed that Damon and Carlton caught up on some Everwood reruns while coming up with the Alterna-Jack scenes.

group therapy - I thought it was going to be a Misery reference, with Jin's injured leg and all…

I have to agree. Ted is much more appealing when he's not in full-time hopeless romantic mode. I still love NPH, but I don't know if the Robin-Barney relationship is playing to his strengths (or Cobie's, for that matter).

I find her hair hilarious. I'm shocked that she actually uses curlers to style that way ON PURPOSE. It's like she's giving herself a mullet everyday.

I second "Ed Wood." The best ones focus on one key part of the subject's life. In general, I think the less sweeping, the better.

Goofus, Laurine was still responsible for that dish, according to the rules this season. Yes, Kevin executed the lamb poorly, but she told Tom she would monitor the quality before serving the dish and she failed to do even that. I had no problem with the decision. She was a disaster in this challenge.

Eli reminds me of a thirtysomething Manhattanite trying desperately to look "Brooklyn."

It's not clear from the editing, but Tom's blog said Laurine's dish was the worst of the night by far.

I'm no fan of Robin, but that "relax, relax, relax" stuff really irritated me. Something about a man telling a woman to "relax" when he was clearly riled up as well. Also, did "cussing" really offend his delicate sensibilities? Didn't he "cuss" at Bryan in the previous episode?

Eli clearly sees himself as being on par with Kevin, Jen and the Voltaggios. They probably see him as being on par with Laurine.

"Her tears the next day were of remorse for her vulnerability and for the cluster of poor decisions leading up to allowing Pete in. "

Just think how our heads will explode if this show explored rape fetishes. Or does it already…?

I don't know, Raaaaape!!!, do you really need to put Joan's husband in quote marks? I know we're in some murky waters with Pete's situation, but Greg's act was pretty violent and straightforward. Maybe we don't need to continually refer to him as Dr. Rape, but I think that's more out of the general affection for

The other strange thing about Ron was that he would claim that each dish was "on the menu at his restaurant" or his specialty or something, but then he would proceed to overcook it, or otherwise screw it up, every time.

Well, I'm of two minds about the lack of Barbie clothes. My Barbies were usually naked 90% of the time anyway, so there's definitely still fun to be had without elaborate outfits. On the other hand, stripping off the Barbie clothes was part of the fun. Plus she only had the one doll, and there's only so much you