vlad the imploder

I could be wrong but when Sid Barrett was in the band, I believe he was the only singer on the albums. Waters filled in during concerts while barrett was zoning out, but he really didn't take the lead until Gilmour was in and Barrett was out.

The real question is how did that utter piece of shit ever get released in the first place?

No, can't go with you on that one.
Now would be the time to embrarce your embrarassment.

This is so much more entertaining than that Jethro board.
Do continue.

Just his talent.

Just really couldn't think of anything to say, could you?

Good to see the "AVC Interview = Cruddy Movie grade" dynamic is still in play.

You work at movie theatre and a library?

It was pretty funny.

What color is the left side of your controller?

Well if he's dead they better get started on that de-aging right away!

More jokes! More Puns, More double-ontonblahs…

Nathan, Monkeybone would definitely make a good Flops subject. Don't read the GN. The film should be judged on it's own crapitude.

It's about time an entire comment board was devoted just to you.

Haha, charade you are…

I do not get the Gillian Anderson love that is so prevalent out there.

Pig, I'm with you on the Genesis up to a point. Selling England and Lamb are great Gabriel albums, but the next 5 Collins releases concluding with Abacab are just as good. Before and after those 7: not quite there and then completely overcooked.
I'm sure others will disagree.

I'm made of kevlar and overcooked fusilli


Why are there so many female baby haters on this site?