vlad the imploder

Do occasional prostitutes charge more than the full-timers?

Numero one-o

I think the fact that the gun was green also signifies the gayness.

Can I get a lamentation brothers and sisters!?!?!

Me too. And what a fucking pain in the ass it was. Unless you're completely anal with the whole setup and the records (sorry HD's - VINYL!) it was barely worth the effort.

Off topic - Robyn
Can we all kick in a few bucks to knock that Robyn ad off this site? Every time I see it I want to take a pair of scissors to my screen.


Antelope, a couple corrections:
1. Dago
2. Bring that knife to the gun fight, ya know, for when you run out of bullets. 007 should have known that.

You forgot the required guided missles.

I believe his mentioning that fact was the whole point of the piece. Will you please start paying attention!

They now exist only to be made fun of, don't you get that? Just look at him. He's 60 trying to pretend he's going on 27. Apparently the way to de-age is to wear more bracelets, more earrings, and more silly hats as each year goes by.

I laughed my fuckin ass off at the "wall to wall slip and slides" crack. SOneal is in great form.

Actually, the recent track record is probably C to C- for interview subjects. This got off pretty light.

you know that you're all poor, right? Truly rich folk don't waste their time like this.

What, Banmar, you don't want to see the Stanely cup? It's almost as prestigious as a Goaled medal in the Olympics.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Eastwood, Van Cleef, Wallach…big box a gold……Should have made the list

trying to find some commonality in KOD's list there…..just can't come up with it. Little help??

What did you have to eat?

They did something on S of the S recently, but can't remember who or what feature. Any of you obsessives out there?

I started getting gray at 30 and am about 2/3rds gray at 45.