vlad the imploder

I get the USA Today magazine in my local Sunday paper. Kind of odd considering they are competitors 5 days a week.
Anyway it sucks just as much dick as Parade.

Not butt-ass ugly, but Mr. Petty and company would be more than welcome to offer up their opinion, if I were to start plastering my mug across all available forms of electronic media.

They might be good, or not, but MY GOD they are butt-ass ugly.


Mashed up together?

So that's what sweet dreams are made of


They're all good. Better than the alternative.

I got it Gern. Buncha dumbasses

But don't tell anyone about your, umm, club.

First a big long STP homage/debate, Now a big long GnR.
What's next….Bon Jovi or Def Leppard?

I just knew that Nazi melting thing was a myth. Thank you mythbusters for proving that Hollywood is filled with liars.