
Oh, and I appreciated them not going into a song in the Puck/ Rachel bedroom scene; I was totally expecting some big heartfelt ballad, but just using dialogue worked better.

You know what I appreciated?
They toned down the music so much for this episode. Five songs is a pretty solid number per episode, and I loved "Run, Joey, Run" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart" more than any of the songs we've had since the return. I think "Physical" could have been cut in half, but if we've gotta have

Wow, and again. No more posting for me til I get some sleep…

Sorry for the double post, guys.

Sorry for the double post- The first one had vanished when I looked down the list.

I totally agree- I can understand them doing this when they thought they would be canceled, but it's become pretty obvious this show isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Has no one told the writer's room? they need to slow down and not burn through their storylines, or they'll become a freaking opera by the

Too Many Storylines
I've gotta agree- there was too much happening in this episode. I really enjoyed the Kurt/Finn storyline; the other episodes dealing with Kurt and his dad were my favorite of the first (season? Half?) and aside from Finn's painful bit of "Home," the storyline worked all the way through. While the

Too Many Storylines
I've gotta agree- there was too much happening in this episode. I really enjoyed the Kurt/Finn storyline; the other episodes dealing with Kurt and his dad were my favorite of the first (season? Half?) and aside from Finn's painful bit of "Home," the storyline worked all the way through. While the

Holy… that interview was one of the weirdest, grossest, most disturbing things I've ever read. This guy comes off like the most creepy, chauvinistic asshole I've ever imagined. Look, I try to be tolerant of everyone's sexual proclivities, but if you think having sex at 6 is perfectly normal, you've got problems.

Thank you for this.

OK, seriously, am I the only one who doesn't hate Ted? He's definitely not the funniest character on the show or anything, but I actually like the romantic aspects of his character and his pedantic, douchey side is usually pretty funny. I dunno, am I missing something? Where's the hate from?

Well, I'm pretty sure that they already revealed that they kissed at some point in the past. Can't quite remember. Maybe in season 3?


Yeah, that line was horrific. I was wondering if maybe it was just a sort of British phraseology that was throwing me off, but I'm glad to hear other people hated it. I usually love a good bit of camp, but that one took it over the top.

Yeah, while I totally understand the narrative conventions behind the whole "don't interfere in established events" rationale, it still really bothers me on occasion. I do think it's better than having the doctor lose the TARDIS in every episode (that worked in The Satan Pit, but rehashing it in 42 seemed clumsy) and

Would you mind explaining just when

Oh, really? That's a shame, I hadn't heard.

Yeah, everything from the call on was gloriously awesome.

I really didn't have much of a feel for Martha in Who, but I really liked what they did with her in Torchwood. If they bring back British Torchwood for a fourth season, I think she'd be a great fit for the team

Yeah, the only thing I didn't like about the new TARDIS was that gigantic, blatantly obvious sex toy directly in the middle. I guess I'll get used to it.