
Yeah, I feel like there's not much credit given to The Impossible Plant/ Satan Pit, but I watched Season2/Whatever first, and that was the two-parter that hooked me. Really creepy and Tennant's monologues were just fantastic..

Yeah, said it upthread, but Buffy's just fantastic.

Gah, I've got to get around to Twin Peaks at some point. Is there a DVD collection out?

Yeah, I'm so new here I haven't even got an avatar, but I love the recommendations and general attitude of this place. I finally finished Battlestar Galactica just yesterday and loved it, and I'd have never gotten into it without people talking about it on these boards.

My bad; I meant Finn's Door's number, the first one they did. That was a little ambiguous.

Oh, and that "gay sharks" line was SOLID GOLD.

Musical Numbers
Am I the only one that liked the musical numbers looking like they were happening as a performance? I really disliked the "Hello" number just because it switched perspective so much- I had this issue with a few other songs in the fall as well. I just think the show's in danger of becoming a straight-up

Personally, I could see it going the other way; You don't get much of a Bigger Bad than the devil, but Sam and Dean getting Heaven on their side or off their backs could make for a good fifth season finale.