Smartypants McKnowsitall

"…otherwise pointless reference to his raise in pay grade."

For a split second, it seemed like even Hank realized that his DEA cronies weren't buying it and were going to chalk it up to Hank being out of commission and trying play DEA agent again, but then he pulled out the prints…BAM!

Well, they've certainly done their damage to American Culture.

I want to see Conan the Juggalo…"how would that woik?"

You mean mimicked a more interesting movie…wasn't awesome the first time around, but it did have Mako.

Bad Nazis maybe

Fight Club = Fight Club…no wait…

I lived in Greece and their translations were along these lines. For example, Marathon Man was translated to "Men Hunting". I think all movies should be "greeked" in this way.

I think it's less looks and more that he's not a douche. Plus, as he stated, most of the folks he works with have been friends for years. I would probably tap my friend Paul Rudd if I was making a comedy and needed a bankable star who was really cool to work with.

Yeah, that makes no sense. If you hate someone that affable, you're either bipolar or a huge cunt.

Agreed…he towered over everyone on that aircraft carrier deck in Top Gun. I'd think he was too tall to be a fighter pilot, which totally ruined the movie for me.

Did you talk to him?

Is there anyone who doesn't like this guy at this point? I wonder what it must be like to walk around all Ruddy n shit.


She'll catch up to him in a couple of years.

he was the Liver Man on X files…and Percy Wetmore "…hear him squishin in his pants".

2nd that.

methinks more like a PhD in Pharmacology.

"Me down for Dog Show."

I thought the whole "Jesse saves the day" was a ruse to get Mike in there as his mentor and drive a wedge between him and Walter (as noted in the review), AND to get him out of the whole meth house situation which was a risk to the business. Now I think things have changed and Mike/Gus see Jesse as having true