Smartypants McKnowsitall

I don't. He brings it on himself. He's not a kid either. You stop being a when when you have at least one and a wife/husband. I hated that "kid" and thought it was a farce that everyone fell into prayer mode. Survivor's cheezy enough without prayer time.

Oh Great…how bout a "SPOILER" first, huh? And now I have to go do some erasing on my script.

No way, me and the kids were psyched to see Ozzy get beat by Cochran…and then Cochran lose.

yes, a Harry Potter gang…The Muggalos

More like "Mundane Clown Posse", amiright?

Y'know, I've really grown to like that disconnect, and now the magic is ruined…Thanks!

I'm a single dad of three and I read em…priorities, people! Those kids will eventually find the food in the house…it'll teach em self-reliance.

Ugh, I just don't think she's funny. I don't care who she is insulting, at least be funny. Hopefully the AV Club will be able to spot that for me so I won't have to sit through any more of her act.

Matches the "Uptown Girl" tat on her anus.

wtf is a goonie?

a nerpster


I disagree. I hate shirtcockers and their ilk, but a nice plaid pair of knickers gets me all atitter.

He's had those kids for a while. But then again, divorce does breath new life into a comedian.

I just knew him as the guy who did the worst Carvel "man with the golden voice" imitation.

As long as they lump them in with the rest of us, I'm fine with having my flaws and foibles brought to the table for a laugh. However, if they do not, then fuck them!

"…maybe he appeals to a specific demographic that I'm not part of."

Just a thought, but watching Walt drop off that ton 'o' money at the car wash, I couldn't help but wonder; If Walt was so concerned with the "family" and that is why he got into this racket, why not just have Skyler disappear? She could take a ton of cash, get new IDs for her, the baby and Walt, Jr. and go live

I'm getting a sense that if/when Gus goes, somehow Jesse will step up? Call me crazy, but that would make for some fun lab conversations wouldn't it?

Oops…should've scrolled down more…good catch!