Smartypants McKnowsitall

I was disappointed in Skylar for fleeing. I hated her in the beginning, came to tolerate her as time went on, and lately have really begun to dig her character. I thought, "here we go again", but she came back. I'll reserve judgement.

I was surprised that Walt didn't cut that shit off right away. And if the place was "as is" and Walt worked there, why the fuck did he need a tour from this dick? The dollar bit was funny, but also passive-aggressive. I'd have cut that shit off at "hello".

Boy, when you bomb in Mecca, you really bomb in Mecca?

ICP and the Jugalos are the reason we need a white trash plague.


I really need some of THAT weed.

There was a 90's LOTL?

I loved the show as a kid, and really dug the Will Farrell movie. I like the new Chaka more than the old. I was convinced the old Chaka was Clint Howard who scared the crap outta me as a kid (Gentle Ben my ass…run bear run!).

Agreed…Andy Samberg is a delight…stop it AV Club…stop it right now.

Don't cress the weasel.

So do the Librarians apparently. They went into a huff over Mark Twain (like the n-word ain't been in Huck Finn for 100 years or more already), but they have a copy of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on the shelf…in a Middle School!? I guess anal rape is ok as long as you don't use racial epithets.

The only thing missing is an audio of the interview. I could listen to the man talk all day…and not in a gay way…in an Irish way.

[jotting down Black Irish and Tiger's Tail]…I love Gleeson…got to be one of my all-time favorite actors, and this film looks like loads of fun. I keep trying to watch Black Irish and keep failing.

Agreed all around. My favorite actor. And it's not just an Irish thing.

Nope, stickin with the face I've already conjured up in my mindhole.

I'm on the fourth book and so far neither Osha nor Asha have ever been in the same castle/ship. Unnecessary.

Horseshit! First, he's talking about the entertainment business, people. It's the business of entertaining so whatever people want to watch is valid. And I think it's more relevant today than ever as there is a niche for everyone…except for him.

When anyone says "child" and "industry" in the same sentence, I get so cynical I just want to curl up with my phone and watch Lawrence of Arabia.

Makes sense, both of them were in the most depressing SNLs ever.

This be good, but it sounds an awful lot like Sleepy Hollow, The Alienist or Sherlock Holmes.