Smartypants McKnowsitall

And if I remember correctly, she speaks "jive".

"eliding"…thanks…learnt a new word today.

Wally was the real stud…he had beaver in his room every night.

That Child Catcher still scares the shit outta me, so I'm with him there. And Jeremy Renner (no offense; great actor) looks like that guy. Blue Meanies don't bother me…clowns…clowns scare me more than marriage AND kids ever did.

It used to be Andy Schvanze, but he's trying to blend.

Let me guess, they always called this guy "dickface", but now it's defamation…sheesh!

Lars Von Trier: "Would you ask Stanley Kubrick that? NO…cuz he's dead, isn't he…fucker!"

I too was pretty shruggable about this kid (I have two boys and a girl all well within his demographic but they all hate him…they like Salena though, go figure), but this does push the limit. I don't mind all the NKOTB dancin and singin stuff…if you can get the gig why not…I just despise this notion that not only do

Does Osama count as being "raptured"?

As a father of 2 boys and a girl, I've had the pleasure of cleaning feces out of/off of both…and it's still as gross as ever.

Maybe they could get her in this Vikings show as Mammaria, goddess of perfect boobies?

You forgot colorful names, rotten fish dishes and advances in nautical navigation…but yeah, mostly rape…what's a "pillage" anyway? Is that where villagers get their drugs?

As long as they don't ask Tony Curtis to show up in his short skirt for the whole thing…sheesh!

I think this should be remade by today's standards…by that I mean vampires and armed priests and set in a desolate western wasteland.

And sweaters apparently…I saw a clip where they all got sweaters and Oprah and her minions went cookoo batshit gaga…some dude fell on the floor crying. I mean really, c'mon…sweaters? Fuckin one group got a car.

Gina Davis wore a mini?

Yeah, this show is giving me a Morgraine.

That explains the weird food and or drink items, color of the room and the glass fridge, but what about the whole "don't make eye contact"? First, it's just begging the driver to look at her boobs all the time (and I'm sure she'll bitch about that in that annoying froggy voice), second, who the fuck are these people?

Meh…I'm an ass man…probably because I was breastfed you heathens.