Smartypants McKnowsitall

"But cuts like Smokey's awesome "Cruisin" and EWF's "September" and "After the Love" were monumental and I'm pretty sure MJ's Off the Wall cuts like "Rock With You" and "Don't Stop" are worth a mention. Others that deserve a nod are "Ladies' Night", Ain't No Stoppin Us Now" and can I please get some love for "Rapper's

Did Ashley take a bullet to the chest or something?

I'll jump on that hate train…what a bitch. I would have said, "hey Julie, how would you like it if your daughter was up here in the winner's circle and some creepy, roid lady started yelling at her?" It constantly amazes me at certain members of the jury's lack of ability to put the shoe on the other foot. In the end,

As I read these posts
Three words appear in my mind
Sell Haiku Futures

Why is it with both music and movies, we cheer these underdogs when they're struggling, but totally hate them once they've achieved success? Would any of us give up a career making movies/music that would allow us not only fame and noteriety, but also the financial freedom to pursue whatever we wanted? Mea Culpa

I enjoyed Any Old Iron and Dead Man in Deptford both.

Is it truly emo? I thought it was just gay.

Do you ever find that the more banal the post, the longer the thread?

Jason Mraz is the kind of douche who would pretend to be gay, get your girlfriend to break up with you, then fuck her so badly she'd turn gay, but ultimately blame you.

As mentioned, I'm an old fart, but most of the kids in my class of 84 had the Police albums and they were the now now music of the time, as well as Journey, Judas Priest, Motley Crue, etc. I still don't remember anything that rivals shit like Owl City or Train, and I fuckin hated Def Leopard and Journey. I remember

[throws gauntlet down] Tim Lieder! Don't you be talkin bout my woman that way!! (and I'm referring to Sarah Vowell…not Zack nor Ke$%^#2A…whatever the fuck her name is).

I think you'd have to run that up against the Redneck Wedding show for perspective.

But I feel so young and hip when I use it…it makes me want to skateboard to a yoga class with Lady Gaga.


Or a treat for us all and a catfight between the two to stay.

IDK, Mike was a marine…he could out-martyr Matt.

I think it's just good casting. Putting Christy folks on taps the Christian base and the atheist base…Christians can root for them, and we can root for the lions…er…others. And then laugh when they cry about losing and say stupid shit like "I'm on a game show for god [sniff]".

I think his master plan is to play the race card…er…again.

Camelot IS a silly place.

Notably that most women would not be so involved in the politics. Guinivere seems a bit too mouthy and sulky for a medieval noble lady NOT fucking the king (anymore). Morgan I get, she's the bad lady, but seriously, Guinivere, STFU!