Smartypants McKnowsitall

That was a Color Me Badd shirt if ever there was one.

Mobile Infantry "Fleet does the flyin. Infantry does the dyin".

Good call…or maybe even a good Varys.

Yeah, don't male Coreys mate for life and shouldn't this one have offed himself after the other one died?

Dear Navy SEALs, please gobsmack Corey Feldman. Thanks.

Matt's faith doesn't bother me so much as the focus he seems to think god has on him and this dumb tv show. Yeah, I love watching, it's a hoot…but just what does he think he's accomplishing for god by trying to win?

I think the mystery surrounding Joh's mother is what makes Cat so "prickly" about it all. BTW I'm only about 2/3 into the first book.

I didn't think they met up with Payne until Ned showed up in Kings Landing?

I really liked the scene where Tyrion slapws the shit out of Joffrey…good casting. That kid could be as nice as pie but that face makes me want to slap the shit out of him.

@ Afghamistam:

Catch-23…"black dynamite"…cause not only can Phil not see that he is crazy, because he's crazy, but he can't see that he's crazy AND that he's not all that black.

My daughter called out my youngest son for saying the "g-word" and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what that would be…it was "god". And thankfully, the c-word is crap still.

The original Alien is my favorite out of all of them. It's a classic monster movie. Alien 3 is next, as I really dug the whole "Y Chromo Boys" thang they had going on. It also had a humanity vs. itself feel regardless of the aliens. I liked Aliens and Alien 4 as well, so I guess I'm one of the few that got into all of

"Jasper plays videogames all day and picks up older women! Monstrous!"

Not a huge Twin Peaks fan, and I see more comparisons to Se7en here, but probably cause I never got into Peaks. I dug it, and I thought Peekay's comments on the two characters (at the beginning of the post) were spot on…I didn't particularly care for pale and gloomy Clarissa and Walmart Brad Pitt either, but they grew

I just hope it leads to actual sex…now THAT will be funny.

You can call him Ray…or you can call him…

She's just a love interest to remind us that Penny is there but not make Leonard a pathetic stalker/neighbor…and create some tension. I think they plan on getting Leonard and Penny back together at some point, or at least leave it open for possibilities. Leanard and Priya (I agree…hot, smart and funny, and I dig her

K-Town…thought that was about some gay boy band…oh that's O-Town…and now I'm sad.

Push Present…cause it's not enough that SHE gets to eat the placenta.