Smartypants McKnowsitall

And his music, and its ilk, are the soundtrack of douche.

I quote Joe Dirt, "Van HALEN not Van HAGAR"…I'm a purist…what can I say.

I'll warrant there are countless ways to rock…he's not found one yet.

"lobster borrito"…that just makes me sad

But Hit Girl said the C-word (titters). That's worth it right there.

- Loved Observe and Report…if this is remotely like it in any way, I'm there.

I want to see Andrea (whatever her name is) sieze his balls when he brings back that whore's pink bible to camp…she was miffed at that.

Phillip and Ralph will rival Coach and Jerry.

I'm ashamed that I noticed it too, but to be fair, they did flashback to this in this episode.

Um, didn't he and Resell pick the teams?

"Ginger Sasquatch"…that's awesome…Gingerquatch

What's sad is that it seemed like a hamfisted attempt at insurgency against Rob, no so much that he liked the crispie rice.

Sarita, as portrayed by Katherin Wigg

Not mine, but I daresay New Coke caused a few bruises.

Can't remember the era, but I believe it was when the Pope lived in Agincourt, but the monks and pope used to call their whores "cranberries" I believe? Because they would throw cranberries on the floor and when the whores would bend over to pick them up…POW! I may be getting details wrong, but then hey, it's the

I get it, she is very attractive, but I'd say it was the whole package that makes her so. Having said that, there's a certain amount of guilt involved in finding someone of her caliber attractive…it's a quandary.

@Dread Ninja Roberts: I saw her on that as well, and was also impressed. I was actually impressed with this interview. I don't think I had as much insight into my own bullshit at her age (hell, I'm 45 and don't now). As a father of a daughter, I'd bet her dad is pleased as punch and twice as proud.

Let SLIP (well-remembered) the Clogs of Gore!

What a ripoff…he seemed pretty laid back and yet engaged in the interview. I don't think he was remotely prickly. The dutch dyke on the other hand was pretty rude.

I'm embarrassed by all ventriliquists…it's up there with genocide as one of humanity's flaws.