Smartypants McKnowsitall

ICP is to music as slasher films are to horror films…a sub-genre. Good luck to them, but I don't want to watch that crap. Another comparison is wrestling to wrastling. To me, wrastlin is about show biz…and both require an incredible about of dedication and athleticism, however the goals are different…wrestling is

I find the irony of snake kissing, strictnine slurping Pentecostals protesting anything for any reason downright delicious.

Did they also cancel the Killers concert because it might promote killing?

Starsky and Hutch was a much hotter version of Cagney and Lacy…Hell, Siskel and Ebert was a much hotter version of Cagney and Lacy…two of the most unattractive (physcially and mentally) women in TV.

She was on Rotten Tomatoes touting a top 5 films list (she did add the disclaimer that it changes) that was god-awful. Full of old, obscure movies. I was a little disappointed really. She's cute and I think she has the "it" factor, so I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of her.

iPads…sure, they're big enough, but they will not stop the cramps.

This is what happens when we just threaten to burn Qurans…just think what would have happend if we had.

He's like a douchier ZMF with less focus.

half-caff…that's pretty douchey

@Binky: Hey, what was that character in Shrek 2? Poussin Boots? …no?

I hate both those words as I hear them so infrequently I have to look them up every time cause I only vaguely remember what they mean by the next time I hear/read them…oh yeah, cuz I'm old now.

"murderbang"…now if that band name isn't taken it outta be.

Haven't heard any of this new album, but it'd have to be pretty offensive for me to completely stop liking Weezer.

Basically any Guido for the main guy…I think they all fashion their hair from the picture on the game box.

I've heard "toots" but never "tootie". Unless you're referring to a baby pacifier.

@ Plith:

I hated this crap. It reminded me of when all the cartoons got all didactic and preachy vs. just trying to kill each other. Unfortunately, I was mesmerized by the "Behind the Facts of Life" thang on A&E or E or whatever…who knew Mrs. Garrett was such a…gunt.

I think the best thing about this movie is that we will never really know if it was a documentary or a mockumentary. In that, it is brilliant.

I deleted all my Smiths and Morrisey tunes because of his abuse…

What's truly shocking here is his naivete…does he truly expect a country with China's human rights record to give a shit about its cats and dogs? Methinks the Morrisey doth protest too much.