Poor Poor Bob

I look at Jessica, and I can't help but feel that Joe Jackson's soul is driving her in some way. I don't know if her parents denied her a childhood to force her to become a diva or if it's some bizarrely natural drive from her. But there's something creepy and packaged about a girl who can sing powerful about pain and

Best Idol moment ever came from Castro when he got booted. After a two-song night in which he murdered by Mr. Tambourine Man and I Shot the Sheriff, he knew he was doomed. I laughed a bit when he jokes that his friend told him he had shot the Tambourine Man. I fell off the sofa laughing when he said he was relieved to


I want Air Bud to teach me how to love and/or play jai alai.

I heard Britpop and asked my wife who she thought could sign "Common People." No such luck last night.

No love for Section 8?

Very good point Bobby. The virtual community is key. In my case, I'm pretty stingy with friending people on Facebook, so my site is almost entirely a forum for family and friends. I can't imagine what a Twitter response, an account I use almost entirely for work, would have looked like.

Marah, I'll agree with some of your points and disagree on others.

I have six days left in my 30s. I never went in much for nostalgia. I always looked at my teen years as something that had to be endured and survived until something better came along. Rather than being disappointed by my advancing decrepitude, I'm happy to not have to worry about what to wear to a rock show anymore.

Good, but not up to Arrested Development Mr. F standards.

@avclub-7f538a2a6877984c16a663af38fb84d3:disqus I tend to use the chipotle-flavored Tabasco or other chipotle hot sauces to add some heat and smokiness to barbecue sauces.

Man I hope this comes to the drive-in near me. Seems like the perfect kind of movie to watch from my car.

Is that like a fully limp rating in Hustler?

Not that he's a true bad boy, but the sexually threatening vs. clean-cut and safe divide really showed up with the David Cook vs. David Archuletta season. Archuletta was the guy who would hold your hand and sing to your window to get you to go to the soda shop with him.

I watched Enter the Dragon. Do I get a turn too?

Last summer, I caught a double feature of Piranha and Machete.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus That would be sweet. And Jay has shown that his synapses are firing (unlike Troy and some others), so I guess it's possible. But if he wasn't smart enough to go against the group dynamic when Colton threw his fit, I don't see him being smart enough to do it now.

Yeah, congratulations on that whole gestating a new human life within your body thing. Soon your genetic material will be preserved for another generation and you can leave this world with your biological imperative fulfilled.

I'm thinking it was just me, because I haven't heard anyone else say it, but wasn't she really sharp last night? I was listening to her performance but not watching it, and it really struck me that she seemed way above all of the verse notes and only managed to find the right range in the chorus. It was really getting

One word for Jay (and the rest of the men left) — Pussy.