Poor Poor Bob

Um, agent Broyles… sorry to break this to you, but none of the characters from this show could possibly have survived. The actions depicted took place more than 2,000 years ago. I mean that's beyond even Hugh Hefner, Regis Filbin and Larry King levels of oldness.

I'm starting to realize that her extreme reaction to Illithya's planned morning-after solution to her marriage to Glaber was more than a morally upset reaction from a barren woman.

Yes… in the Battle of Vesuvius, Spartacus and his army made enough vine ropes to bring the bulk of his fighting force down over the cliffs to attack an unprepared, sleeping Roman force.

I agree that she has almost no shot in winning, but damn wasn't it great to hear a good, dirty old blues song on TV. "Whole Lotta Love" ranks up there with "Baby Got Back" in terms of sexual subtlety.

True on the cell phone thing. GPS systems have gotten more precise, but I doubt they could get that specific (though maybe I'm wrong there). If not, it's kind of silly to make that up when they could show all sorts of real-day tech that would have brought them to the same place… cell-phone video, people from different

What can be especially interesting are adaptations of bad books or books with good ideas and poor execution. David Brin's The Postman had great ideas, but he wrote it as serial fiction for a magazine and collected the shorts into chapters for the novel. So it was a very disjointed read with a cliffhanger every 20

I actually thought the procedural elements were handled quite nicely. The FBI identified where the blast took place and deferred to the local officials who could bring more resources to bear to handle to grunt work.

The fact that all teams except the Border Patrol guys had equal access to the FF made the choices fascinating. If I had seen two teams running that way, I might have joined them because even if I lost, I'd still have a shot at beating the other losing team in the regular challenges. When team Jersey followed the first

What little suspense there was at the end was ruined by the careful handling of the apples. The only way the Jersey boys could win at the end was by finding the apple in less than a minute, making the final race for the finish line competitive. But if you look at them when they find it, there are at least a dozen full

I prefer eating corn to show man's dominance over nature. The Aztecs effectively genetically engineered a crop that couldn't reproduce without human intervention. How cool is that?

Based entirely on the SNL performance from the solo album, I'm quite looking forward to Mr. White's upcoming release. 

Scene of the night for me was Burt climbing up the ladder wearing a ski mask because he didn't want his lips to get chapped, following by Virginia pointing out that the only thing the mask didn't cover was his lips. I don't know why, but there was something really sweet and loopy about that scene.

So I finally watched the Carman video… anyone else notice that it was antisemitic in addition to being cheesy? Or was there another reason to name the evil warlock Isaac Horowitz? 

Like @avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus says, Con games are different from ongoing games. You don't build up your own characters, you play what's been handed to you for a specific adventure.

As a soon-to-be 40 year old who played a role-playing game as recently as yesterday, this article really hit home for me. The core to a good game for me is building up a good story.

@avclub-c8d5fd6ca1de737790b42d4e63366062:disqus Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step on your toes there. Can we just agree that I was wrong and get past this?

Not to insult the woman on the elevator, she was a perfectly attractive person who probably has good personal hygiene. But putting her in the cover of Maxim wouldn't sell any extra issues.

Not to make a sexist "we all know who wears the pants in that house" line, but damn is Brendon whipped.

I thought the shock was going to be the fact that the men showed up at all. No, that was a warm-up jaw dropper.

My favorite part is how long the sequence goes on. By the end, it really does feel like he's mowing the lawn… the gory red lawn.