Poor Poor Bob

Right before LOTR hit the theaters, an enterprising DVD company released a Bad Taste special edition with a big "From the director of Lord of the Rings" on it. I have a copy in my collection. The second disk, full of interviews about the making of the film is almost as entertaining as the movie, and I love Bad Taste.

I was a big Bad Taste fan after discovering it in a video store in Lubbock, Texas. A friend in Houston kept arguing that he had a copy of the most disgusting comedy ever made. So on a visit home, I brought my tape and he brought his. Go figure, we were debating the gory merits of Bad Taste vs. Dead Alive.

@avclub-246e4d37c3adb08bc86a64abfe71cea8:disqus I understand that there are reasons to pirate content, and good on you if you make up for the theft by eventually paying for the product (I've called it theft when I've done it as well. Calling the practice immoral has been my way of ensuring that I will pay for the

Making a copy of something you've paid for is not piracy unless you distribute and/or sell those copies to others. If copying a broadcast for personal use was illegal, DVRs would violate license agreements.

But that still doesn't justify theft. I wanted Blizzard to release Diablo III in time for Christmas, but the fact that they are waiting until the game is fully developed does not give me license to grab some beta off of a torrent site. Content creators have the right to choose when to sell their content.

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus So you're saying that because one industry has a broken business model, it's okay to steel from a competitor with a successful one?

@avclub-246e4d37c3adb08bc86a64abfe71cea8:disqus  I'd argue that the Tech Dirt writer doesn't fully understand the value of content. There's a difference between social value and monetary value. Yes, it's cool to have a piece of content shared, but you can't eat cool. To argue that you're doing someone a favor by

For some reason, I'm really liking the front runners. For such an unnaturally good-looking couple, they haven't acted like jerks to the other teams yet, have figured out how to cooperate with others than necessary and even when Ken got a little snippy with Barbie, he listened when she made her point more clearly.

Long division ain't that hard, especially when you're dividing by two-digit numbers. That said, it sounds like the difficulty came more from actually hearing the numbers shouted out loud and correctly counting a herd of moving cattle than from the math itself.

Totally agree there. Paul has won a $30,000 car and boat load of cash. I'm sure he'd love to win the big prize, but the dude has raked it in this year challenge after challenge. Heck, he may qualify as a full-time Healthy Choice employee for all of the checks they've had to cut him.

I've tried to explain what I love so much about this show to friends, and I can never quite convince them.

Watch Tisdale's guest-starring role on Raising Hope, and you'll get a good look at how to combine sexy and funny. Her caricature of the perfect girlfriend and parody of an improv performer hit both marks perfectly.

Watching Phineas and Ferb with my daughter is one of the great jobs I have left in life.

And we put the horse back in the stable…

@avclub-a9b08c6e5802aa231f08eaf9949f5294:disqus  Read up on the interviews with the federal agents. Both of them list being kidnapped as their No. 1 concerns for traveling. I guess that's part of being a DEA agent. Most of the other teams are more worried about getting lost.

Technically, those people who pat you down at the airport are federal agents. Heck, the data entry clerks at the Environmental Protection Agency who input data on industrial pollutants are federal employees working at an AGENcy, so you could accurately call them federal agents as well.

His "where are they going?" question would make a good video mashup with Brad Pitt's "What's in the box?" He really sound that sad and disappointed.

I still had my DVR set up for football season, when I add an hour to every TAR recording just to be sure. There were some games last season that went into overtime, so even an hour wasn't enough, but it served last night.

While I still hate hidden immunity idols, especially ones hidden so poorly that just poking around a tree stump reveals it, but I liked the twist here.

I was surprised by how different the actress was. Both are women, but their ethnic backgrounds seem very different on the surface. The new actress has some big shoes to fill. The original actress was consistently very good.