Poor Poor Bob

When in doubt, I whip it out… Not the best optics as they say in politics.

I rode the Mean Streak once with my much younger nephew. He found it entertaining to watch me grunt and moan each time a too-sharp curve threw me into the restraints. The ride isn't just overly rough, it's really long. Toward the end, it starts feeling like an endurance challenge. The Gemini and the Blue Streak are

I've worked as a journalist for my entire adult life, and I've run into the attitude that you can't cover this issue because you're not involved many times. You're a white man, so you shouldn't be writing about issues that affect women or minorities. I'm also not a factory worker, but I write a lot about how

So you think small-town cops would have been kinder to Poussey than NYPD? The town around Litchfield is shown as being almost entirely white, and in such towns, black people committing minor crimes can face significantly disproportional punishments.

While we can debate on whether or not Bailey's flashbacks were meant to make him sympathetic or to show his privilege, I think @seant203's point about Suzanne's involvement is the issue. Suzanne's attacks made Bailey's actions seem justified to some degree. He was under attack by a woman who has shown an ability to

I grew up without much use for sports, but since moving to Cleveland about a decade ago, I've learned the value that they bring to a community. Year round, I can strike up casual conversations with strangers about the Browns, Indians, or Cavaliers. We might have different careers, education levels, incomes, etc…, but

Wonder Boys (the book, I don't remember if the line made the movie), had my favorite description of serial divorce ever.

I think the biggest historical failing of this film is in noting how successful MLK and the Freedom Summer movement were in bringing Civil Rights to a full national conversation. Because of the Mississippi martyrs, people outside of the South started paying more attention to the Southern problem.

Not to sound racist (as if anything following that setup can be anything but), but where I grew up, an Asian clerk was a de facto default for convenience stores.

Remember the mag packs? Ah thinking back to the 16-year-old, pre-Internet me, screwing up my courage to pretend I was old enough to buy three polybagged, British porn mags together. I learned a lot about international slang that way.

Dear Jake, I never thought it would happen to me, but then I found myself responding to your post…

When he came back for All Stars, I cringed because Dale's outbursts during Season 4 were a low point for the show. But his display of humility and maturity completely won me over. I joked at the time that he should have been doing commercials for anger management classes.

I thought I made my intentions perfectly clear. Ethan wins the episode.

To me, the narration stopped being functional and started becoming subtle commentary when they introduced Valeria Valez and the narrator's reaction to her. His description was so emphatic and misogynistic that it jarred me. That's when I started noticing that our "hero" was more deeply flawed than he appeared on the

It was a slight, easy read. But it pales compared to RPO. RPO used its geekiness to drive an original plot. Armada tries to cover up its lack of anything to say with geeky references. There were some good ideas here. Had Cline focused on the bad sci-fi and gaming tropes to come up with something better than

I'm going to fart my way into that snatch… My wife doesn't like how often I've repeated that line since watching the show.

The complex issue is that the outlier could be heavier or lighter. If you knew the discrepancy, you could look to see which way the teeter-totter leans.

Going on 26… I was there man. I was there (still have my bunny shirt to show for it… though it does have some holes in it).

Triumph… the other Canadian power trio.