Poor Poor Bob

Okay… mind officially blown.

Is that a Koan?

Exactly Aldo. Delicious has nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I'd like to invite him over to dinner at my house this weekend. Maybe we could play a few hands of poker later… you know, just so I could give you some strategy tips. We wouldn't need to even put money down… well, not much money. I mean you need to put

And now two episodes in a row with hermaphrodites in the background for no apparent reason (whorehouse last week, the pit this week).

The Derf Dahmer book already got some notoriety in Northeast Ohio. The author got out of jury duty when he answered the screening question, "Has anyone you've known ever been convicted of a crime?" and he replied "I had a close friend in high school who killed 17 people."

I didn't like Lambert on Idol… too shouty for me. But I happen to agree. He's got the right vocal range and flair for the theatric to make this work.

There was a BBC show called Sex Inspectors (shown for a while on HBO) that is pretty close to what Todd described. Professional sex therapists would work with couples, have them videotape themselves performing sexual acts on each other and give practical advice and relationship counseling.

I really enjoyed how Virginia started imitating Burt's gambling tics when she caught the bug… weird tongue movement and everything.

My daughter is a big fan of the Disney Channel show Good Luck Charlie, so every time the patient of the week showed up, I told my wife another joke about how Charlie's big sister ran away from her mean exterminator father and her creepy brothers.

Not to mention the hermaphrodite. I'm pretty sure I saw him (her) in the whorehouse. I didn't freeze the DVR image to confirm like I did during the Pit scenes in Season 1.

I read a great story in (I think) the New York Times when LOTR was still in production about the studios that were sinking so much money into the films.

I rented Bad Taste 20 years ago, strictly because of the cover featuring an alien flipping me off. I was hooked instantly. The movie was comedic genius.

Go into your inventory, click on the item and hit the letter T. The game will then ask you which of the soul gems you're carrying that you want to use. I can't imagine that the process is any harder on the console version.

I'd recommend Kevin Wilson's The Family Fang as a favorite for 2011. It's a bit lightweight at times, but there's a great manic energy that fills some of the middle passages, and the descriptions of some of the family's stunts are incredible.

To a certain degree, comparing DA to Skyrim is like talking about porn… some of us like stories and characters while others prefer an endless stream of money shots.

I would call DA2 more of a missed opportunity than downright awful. The story line was still very involving, and I liked that your character's actions had real story consequences in the later game chapters.

I finished the main quest Sunday night after 112 hours of game play. I could have finished it much sooner, but I couldn't bring myself to leave the fantastic world that I'd been spending so much time in.

Mmmm, cough medicine and scalp cream.

I was watching my Spinal Tap DVD the other day, and the movie ends with a fake commercial for the band's greatest hits… done in the style of those late-night K-Tel commercials. It took me a second to realize that the album images they were showing were for cassette, LP and 8-track, not CD. If memory serves, they even

Someone less lazy than I can probably find Ebert's 1980s essay on cocaine movies versus pot movies. One coke-using writer pointed out that writing on the white stuff was impossible because for years, she thought everything she wrote was the most brilliant thing she'd ever read. The cocaine had removed all sense of