You're related to Rex Ryan?!?
You're related to Rex Ryan?!?
I'd rather hear "not interested," frankly. I don't need a detailed breakdown of the reasons, mind you, but it's simple and straightforward. Making up a reason isn't letting someone down easy, it's just making things more complicated than necessary.
1. As Frankie and others in this thread have said: RELAX
A very real possibility 3 is that she doesn't know what the hell she wants and any game playing is unintentional. it's still selfish of her to keep you guessing while she's off being confused, but might not rise to the level of using you.
@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus Fair enough, but it seemed to me that @avclub-39dd889e0ab668280dbd73c93917e652:disqus was just riffing on you "getting nasty" in your original post. To wit: "Dan is now a complete and utter asshole for misquoting Shakespeare - that line was about men and the notorious…
Isn't there usually a fake Victorian e-card or animated GIF of some kind, too?
Coming home to Lassie.
Yeah, I thought there was usually an understanding between FWBs that when one starts seeing someone, the other fades out of the picture, at least at the start. If the new boyfriend really asked her to cut off all contact with the FWB, that's a little harsh (and she can always fib a little and keep emailing the guy),…
Wait, so you can type insult-filled corrections to Savage, but when someone does the same to you, you blow up at them? Might be time to take a couple plays off, champ.
Do I detect a touch of the hostile? Do I detect — with respect — a touch of too many glasses of ale followed by the great malt which wounds?
Good on you and bad on him. Since you met online there could be a ton of different things happening behind the scenes, none of which is any reflection on you. He could just be nervous about meeting anyone. He could be seeing someone and enjoys the "harmless" attention and flirting online. He could look nothing…
Do you have documentation of the dangerous things he's done or the way he's involving your ex in sex work? Maybe you don't want to drag her into it, but if you have material that could put him in jail then just laugh off any blackmail threat from him.
Tim Bayliss, John Crichton, Dale freakin Cooper. Heck, Vinny Terranova from Wiseguy if you want to talk about early examples of serialization.
Wait, there are people trying to claim that Breaking Bad is the first show to have a character undergo major changes? I know it's popular, but those people need to get some perspective.
If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it!
@avclub-945ba977c27d196cdeaf6cbe4ff682f4:disqus Gah, that sounds awful. I read those but must have erased that part from my memory.
Too bad he didn't grow his playoff beard until Season Five.
@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus But the worker caste can fucking rock.
JMS might have learned his lesson since SPOILERS the Londo prophecy plays out but isn't spelled out.