
Well, the other ongoing plotline burbling under the surface is yet another unrequited love story with Marcas and Ivanova.  There's those two, Lennier/Delenn, Garibaldi/Talia, Zach/Lyta, and N'Grath/Kosh.  And it's always the male crushing on the female.  Think JMS had some experience to draw on here?

Oh yeah, she's fantastic.  It's easy for someone with a powerful voice like that to tip over into sounding shouty and going sharp from overblowing, but she's controlled without sounding controlled, if that makes sense.  Her voice cuts right through but still has a warmth to it.

"All rise."  Oh hell yes.

I think the dream stuff is a consequence of hard-core serialization not being the norm yet.  It was a reminder that parts of the dream had been revealed, but there's still a mystery or two.  And, gee, I wonder if the last big mystery will be revealed next week.

Dude, you got to eat cookies baked by @avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus  himself!   You're not allowed to complain about your life for a week.

@avclub-8c1bbcea199457b63dc39f7a024591f1:disqus  I'm sure you knew that was a Heat reference, but just want to be sure you know I wasn't trying to be insulting.

And you've got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT

My mother's favorite film (KH, that is).  When I'd get in a bad mood as a teenager, she'd tell me to knock if off with those negative waves.

Similarly, it pisses me off that The Departed won an Oscar and acclaim when it was a straight up rip-off of Infernal Affairs including some exact shots.  Nicholson's overacting (wft was with the dildo) and the fucking symbolic rat at the end made it a worse film, in my opinion.

I wish I'd known anything.  I come from good Midwestern Protestant stock, so sex was just not discussed, and not positively when it was.

Good grief.  Sounds like you might need to start a relationship with a taser.

The force is strong with this one.

And report back!  Either on the successful date(s) or what kind of loony he turned out to be. 

"Everything ends badly; otherwise it wouldn't end."

Tell us more about Sting…

And if you're both virgins, isn't she taking yours, too?  Banish those images of ancient wedding customs with a bloody sheet and just decide when you want to have sex and with whom.  Trust me, you'll feel plenty "manly" no matter what.

Yup.  I've been the guy in the scenario from the first letter in the majority of my first times with a new lady.  I'd say it's definitely option 2 from Dan's list, a combination of nerves and wanting to focus on her.  Plus, if it's been a while, the change from one's hand to another actual person can confuse one's

Hey, the first part rhymes!  Do you have a secret life writing "Christian Rap" or something?

The computer monitor makes my tongue feel funny.

Alasdair, I love hangin' with you, man.  (and the rest of the gang here, too, of course)