@avclub-f0282b5ff85e7c9c66200d780bd7e72e:disqus Careful, Carl Monday is watching.
@avclub-f0282b5ff85e7c9c66200d780bd7e72e:disqus Careful, Carl Monday is watching.
If it turns out that you and @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus hooked up, the universe will explode. Or maybe just Prospect Heights.
I mentally added Flexo saying "Nah, you're all right" to this.
That's the water of life.
Don't leave us Savage Dik!
Stretch that out to 1000 pages, get Neal Stephenson to write the introduction, and you've got yourself a book deal!
It's funny that the 19-year-old who starting dating his boyfriend when they were 14/15 is by far the most rational and mature sounding of the letters this week.
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I know now why you cry.
@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus Exactly, that's what I was getting at. Even us old farts (40 ftw!) can have friends we've never met, so it's not that much of a stretch to think that a 20-year-old could feel like an online-only relationship is totally real and legit.
Lots of good points there. Makes me think of Romantic literature and all those doomed* love affairs. People who met in person but one was married or the wrong class or something, so they wrote thousands of letters and never even kissed, but were convinced theirs was a romance for the ages. Not *that* different from…
"But I'll have a new IP address! How will he ever find me?"
Maybe this guy *does* have an "I like being tied up" tattoo and that's how his school chums recognized him.
But what if it were an episode about wheelchair fetishists?
Count me among the old and stuffy. However, I know there are commenters here who consider each other friends but have never met in person. So maybe for some people who've never known life without the internet, it's not that big of a leap?
It's a chia-cigarette.
Anybody want a peanut?
Wait, is CHILD concerned that his partner is too young to have a baby in a maturity/can't handle the responsibility sense? Or does he thing that s/he is physically too young to have a baby?
And he says he's never even masturbated, so have they done anything sexual at all as part of their "relationship"? If it's all been online, why does the other guy have to move? I'm nonplussed by the whole thing.