
That's the problem though: too many people *think* they're MST3K-level wits, when really they just need to keep their lame jokes to themselves and let people watch the movie.

She had a decent role (and still looked gorgeous) in the bland Stardust film.


Well in that case he could have gotten some sexual healing.  Baby, it's good for me, mmm-hmm.

Oh, I totally assumed John and Aeryn got it on (and the "just the once" line was earlier in the season).  They just saw D'Argo and Chiana go off to make the beast with nine tentacles, Aeryn makes a dirty joke, walks away, looks back to make sure John is following…I'm pretty sure they had some recreation time.

restating that this has SPOILERS just in case

And Curzon Dax merging with Odo on DS9.

Supposedly, Diagnostic Repair Drone, although I'm not sure it was stated on-camera.

He's just remembering when the jerries were mandering across the channel back when he was in knee pants.

There's always West Side Story.

They're like a whole bunch of David Ecksteins.

And for dessert?  Flan in the face flan in the face.

Fake plastic trees, however, would perfectly match the decor in Chipotle.

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus "At this point, if a show sets up a central mystery at the beginning as Important, I'm pretty much done with it, because I assume that they're lying about having an answer."

OK, now you've done it.  I put in my order for that book.  Have you picked up the "What the hell happened to Crusade" books?  I'm very curious about where Crusade was going, but don't know if I'm curious enough to have to buy several of those at 40 bucks a pop.

Sheridan is behind her in a spatial sense and as an ally. The attacking ships know about the Black Star and they know Sheridan is in charge of Babylon 5, so it's not at all vague.

Yeah, I picture Everett McGill playing it as Stilgar and it just doesn't work.

Could be he's more like his father than he'd like to admit.

Lots of ADR to make some of those sopranos sound like tenors and basses, too.

And wasn't even supposed to.  JMS wanted Everett McGill but supposedly just told the casting director to call "McGill".  Bruce nailed the part, though.  Comes across as a friendly, sincere career-military type.