And she eats cracker crumbs out of her clevage!
And she eats cracker crumbs out of her clevage!
You! Are! Giving away! SPOILERS!!!
The only thing better would have been for them to break into "To Dream The Impossible Dream".
This episode really does knock down the "humans are special" concept, as Alasdair discussed. Crichton is the best of the best, an astronaut/scientist with, yes, excellent vision and plenty of other skills and attributes that most of us don't have. He's Chuck Yeager in his prime and still a legitimate target for…
Hear hear!
…and ganews long remembered that evening as the best Fathers Day ever.
And we all know what Sheridan's favorite computer game is. (Hint: Londo does NOT like it)
To the person being mindwiped, is there a difference?
Hah, I'd forgotten about that one.
Not drunk, also an atheist, and not above offending people every so often.
There's some *very* problematic timing with a trip Delenn takes to Minbar mid-season. But, as wtih everything else, we will discuss that in the fullness of time.
Left foot green. No, left foot purple! GREEN!! PURPLE!!!
"So then, like, I told Jaxson he was going to meet Iron Man? And Robert Downey Jr. was like, so cool? But then Jaxson started, like, crying and stuff? I mean, like, smh!"
The crazy scientist and his mentor played Go in Pi, too. For a film about patterns and obsession, it made a lot of sense.
hmm…you left out that part when you told the story of training Sheridan on the White Star.
Sic Transit Ferrum Hominis
In that case, O'Jax would be much classier.
And that fucking haircut.
"But at least this single-take scene isn't as long as the one in Children of Men."