
I absolutely love Faust BUT…

"There’s a ship’s captain (Vincent Lindon) whose family owns a bankrupt shoe factory"

Even the 'good stuff' shows that are story-based are not producing nearly as episodes per season as they used to in an earlier era. Clearly the money is drying up. There are more reality shows than ever because they are cheaper to make.

This is a big problem with the way writers in the AV Club is encouraged to write TV reviews - they're often more like personal essays that use the actual TV episode more as a mere pretext for the reviewer to show off how perceptive they are.

When Andy's attempt at groping ended up being not extreme at all, there is a beautiful moment when afterwards Toby still looked so ashamed and 'violated'. It was not funny at all but kind of affecting - poor Toby. This is the kind of small detail that makes The Office so special - the willingness to forgo laughs for

F*ck the naysayers  - this show is still one of the best comedies on TV. While on one hand I'm sad to see it go, I think of a show like The Simpsons which really DID overstay its welcome to the point where I stopped watching it.

So how do you think Abed would have liked to have seen the Jim/Pam marriage portrayed?

The 'depth' is between the lines. Like how the simplest thing in the world such as forgetting an umbrella can completely change someone's life.

I don't have a good enough memory to answer that question - although I remember I didn't like the first few episodes (season 1 was really like a half-season - it came on as a mid-season replacement show).

What you write makes me think US networks must be making a ton of money selling their product overseas - if so why WOULD they stop?

I was just able to catch up with a bunch of The Offices today and I am now mystified by all the whining and complaining here. Whereas I think last season it was still very funny but kind of rudderless, when a definite end date was determined it has really picked up and instead of bothering to pander to the audience

If the US middle class continues going down in flames, less and less people will be able to afford cable - so think again.

You don't understand why broadcast TV is failing - which is understandable because nobody is writing about it.

I'm in the same boat! It is frustrating but even so - better than having a ginormous cable bill.

It was a big deal when the show had the Beatles song from the White Album last year - because attaining the music rights is so expensive.

It seems clear to me that in some respects, Don is a very compassionate person who is not just looking at the women he develops relationships with as 'prey' but as human beings whom he truly finds fascinating.

— "why the hell would Pete ever cheat on that?"

I actually feel unsure of what her speech to Pete meant. At first I thought it meant she was throwing him out of the house, but it MIGHT mean she is saying he will still live there but if he fucks around with any neighborhood women she will make him regret it.

Actually - what I think Trudy has going for her is seems to have always wanted to be married, have a family, be a mother. She knows what she wants and goes after it.

As far as I can remember, Betty is from a very well-off family - if anything Don married her for her money cause (obviously) he came from nothing.