
While I would define "I Flunked But" as an all-out campus comedy, I think "Where Now…" uses that genre in the first half of the film to make the tragedy of the second half hit all that much more profoundly.

Maybe I've missed something, but it seems like AV Club is acting like "Indian Summer" (on PBS's "Masterpiece") does not exist, and I don't know why.

The Kings suddenly started giving Alicia a LOT more screen time with Eli - maybe they are contemplating them hooking up next season…

They certainly are leaving it open for him not to be in the show next year…

This seems to be one of those shows that if the show runners don't feel that actors have good chemistry with the main cast, they'll cut their losses and write them out of the show. On the other hand, characters that work well (like Eli) will become regulars.

As for why Alicia and Carey started F/A, it seemed to me when Carey suggested they start their own firm Alicia was desperate to get away from the awkward situation with Will - they had ended their affair and either she was uncomfortable being around him or she was afraid of getting drawn back into a relationship. If

The strangeness of the metaphor of her floating away is a clear indication that this time its different - not to mention we all know its different insofar as Ted will find a more reciprocal love later that night.

Team Floating-Away Robin here.

As as figure skating fan, to clear one thing up:

I'm glad to hear that - they are superb.

I'm a big fan of the Murnau film. There is sort of a homage to that film's shot of Faust traveling over the globe at the beginning of this film.

Oh yeah, that homunculus was pretty awesome - but it would have been ever more effective if they had tied the image into the omitted storyline of the sad fate of Gretchen and Fausts' child.

"He means dubbed as in recorded later"

My major impression about this project is that Sokurov sat down in front of a pad/typewriter/computer and without too much concern about structure started writing stream-of-consciousness scenes with the story of Faust in the back of his mind - and because he has a reputation as a 'genius' was able to get financing to

Wow - I had no idea she's an aussie. I'll have to ask my N. Carolinian friend to watch the show and see if she can spot the fake southern accent because I can't

Its funny how this show has been almost exactly as good/poor from the first season as it is now. You would think it would get either better or worse but nope, not really, - it stays the course.

The only pairing I could find remotely interesting among those awful characters would be Rhett and Ashley.

What about the star crossed romance of one of the head Star Trek guys (one of the producers I think) who pushed Kes off the show for a hottie he went on to have a relationship with?

Rachel was the most compelling of Don's conquests IMO.

"realized'? Andy is a fictional character - he could BE anyone the writers wanted him to be.