
It's weird but I'm really longing for somebody to cast Bill Pullman and Jeff Daniels as brothers.

It's weird but I'm really longing for somebody to cast Bill Pullman and Jeff Daniels as brothers.

What - the 10 or so other guys who crank out hundreds of posts about Community here on the AV club aren't company enough for you?

What - the 10 or so other guys who crank out hundreds of posts about Community here on the AV club aren't company enough for you?

How Steve Carrell keeps getting leading man roles in romantic comedies is one of the great mysteries of contemporary movies. I mean, he isn't bad looking but there isn't anything very compelling about him either.

How Steve Carrell keeps getting leading man roles in romantic comedies is one of the great mysteries of contemporary movies. I mean, he isn't bad looking but there isn't anything very compelling about him either.

Ugh - 'ratings vs. integrity'  how 15 years ago.

Ugh - 'ratings vs. integrity'  how 15 years ago.

What is Don's tooth a metaphor of?

What is Don's tooth a metaphor of?

The dead guy whose identity Don stole was not a great success - Don still 'pulled himself up by his bootstraps' by himself - he is still a self-made man.

The dead guy whose identity Don stole was not a great success - Don still 'pulled himself up by his bootstraps' by himself - he is still a self-made man.

It was pretty ambiguous, but Don's staring at Megan's film reel seemed to possibly indicate he had changed his mind about her and thought she really did have a quality that made her worthy of getting the commercial.

It was pretty ambiguous, but Don's staring at Megan's film reel seemed to possibly indicate he had changed his mind about her and thought she really did have a quality that made her worthy of getting the commercial.

Was the girl who came onto Don at the bar at the end Megan's friend?

Was the girl who came onto Don at the bar at the end Megan's friend?

Wasn't there a similar shot when they found the first space (on the floor below) when they left the old firm and started the new?

Wasn't there a similar shot when they found the first space (on the floor below) when they left the old firm and started the new?

No - the last time she saw him she was rejected his advances (lame though they may have been). It's natural to think this could play on her mind.

No - the last time she saw him she was rejected his advances (lame though they may have been). It's natural to think this could play on her mind.