
Huh, that never occurred to me, but I guess its possible.

Huh, that never occurred to me, but I guess its possible.

I forget the payoff to the Seinfeld episode where he can't remember the girls' name - was it Regina?

I forget the payoff to the Seinfeld episode where he can't remember the girls' name - was it Regina?

The only season that REALLY stands out to me is season one insofar as it brilliantly played out the mystery of Don's background in such a dramatically compelling way that ended with a great and surprising payoff of how Don came by his new identity.

The impression I get is that Betty was very happy being a model, but just presumed she (naturally) would be happier being married to handsome, ambitious Don and having a family, because those were the  typical expectations for a young woman of that era.

The impression I get is that Betty was very happy being a model, but just presumed she (naturally) would be happier being married to handsome, ambitious Don and having a family, because those were the  typical expectations for a young woman of that era.

I enjoyed the episode, but was disappointed that:

I enjoyed the episode, but was disappointed that:

I don't disagree with any of that.

I don't disagree with any of that.

Don't get me wrong, I love Peggy but as far as I know, this show only has a year or two more to go and I presume Weiner has some kind of larger thematic things he has to say and maybe Peggy's character has fulfilled her function?

Travis is out - have seen interviews with him in the last year or two where he talks about it.

Travis is out - have seen interviews with him in the last year or two where he talks about it.

Um, a major part of Don's pitch to Dow centered around how he would justify their manufacturing of napalm (something about 'we have to do whatever we have to to protect our boys"). I don't think it was just a coincidence it was brought up, it is an indication that the show is going to start dealing more with the war

Um, a major part of Don's pitch to Dow centered around how he would justify their manufacturing of napalm (something about 'we have to do whatever we have to to protect our boys"). I don't think it was just a coincidence it was brought up, it is an indication that the show is going to start dealing more with the war

All I can say is there is a presumption that trained contemporary dancers, ballroom dancers, ballet dancers have to learn as PART of their training how to do choreography and to partner.

All I can say is there is a presumption that trained contemporary dancers, ballroom dancers, ballet dancers have to learn as PART of their training how to do choreography and to partner.

She made a choice to make some more $$$$

She made a choice to make some more $$$$