
I don't think Oswalt really deserved a nomination for Young Adult (not his fault, the part was pretty contrived)  but Charlize Theron ABSOLUTELY  did - hers may have been the best performance by anyone in 2011.

I Claudius is not that long - people should just watch the whole thing.

I don't have cable and only was watching South Park in syndication for awhile, but I loved an episode where Butters' parents abandon him or something?

Star Trek DS9: The Visitor


Look at all the politicians that are lawyers for heaven's sake.

Just to piggy-back on this thread since you bring up the rider…

I love Elsbeth, but I think its best that she remains as a recurring character.

Elsbeth and Scott-Carr provide an interesting compare and contrast…

I might even give this episode an A+, as its pretty much a textbook example of successfully juggling several storylines within 40+ minutes, and you would be hard-put to find so much great acting in such a relatively short period of time.

In the REAL world, Edith is pretty good looking for an Englishwoman. Look at who Prince Charles ended up with for heaven's sake.

As they were on at the same time, I had to record "The Good Wife" and watched it after Downton was over.

I agree, thus far Grantham's a pretty boring character and the show is really pushing our patience by focusing too much on him.

What I would take away from this is not that being GAY is bad, but that being forced to live in the closet and deny one's sexuality (and/or see it as an evil thing) completely messes with a person's sense of right and wrong.

I agree with giving this episode a "B" - but I don't think it was significantly worse than the original series which I enjoyed a lot but which did have the occasional tediously melodramatic patches.

Too bad the Koch brothers are not so fleeting.

What I really liked about this episode was they abstained from throwing their usual bone to little kids, this WAS written for adults.

Well this may destroy my credibility, but I really liked Cheri Oteri and think SNL has been pretty shameful about not propping her up like some other former cast members.

What evidence is there that Keaton was 'fine' with sound?

I have to say, if you just look at prior work of Wiig, Apatow and Feig and stack them up against each other, IMHO Feig comes out the winner - I always held him to be the key one responsible for the greatness that was "Freaks and Geeks" and he has done some other decent things too.