
I have to wonder if legalizing drugs internationally wouldn't do more good than harm.

Reading the previous comments, you'd think that almost everybody who reads the AV Club are frustrated guys living in their parent's basements.

Sounds similar to the Julie Andrews version of "Cinderella" a huge budget live TV musical extravaganza that once seemed lost in the mists of time (can't remember, but think I finally saw it on youtube).

I'd be surprised if anyone ever reads this, but I just saw this film and so am putting this out there for the record:

What does that mean, "a mob guy"?

I love Keaton's silent films, but have to say - when still (relatively) young, his croaky voice did not match up well at ALL with his somewhat unearthly good looks (although being an alcoholic didn't help his looks none either) - even in the best of circumstances I think much of his 'mystique' would have been lost

You will not find another performance better than the one Miriam Hopkins gave in "The Heiress".

Cluny Brown is all just a little too precious for me, don't really care for it, and don't think Jones and Charles Boyer have any chemistry.

Shop Around the Corner is on my list of one of the top 10 movies ever made, but alas, Lubitsch really made nothing else like it.

Gary Cooper might have been a good actor but he usually leaves me kind of cold.

When I saw the play, I presumed the main character is supposed to be about 13 or 14 years old but they had to cast an older actor (the one I saw seemed to be in his 20's) because of the grind of performing this physically demanding part night after night on stage.

No they didn't.

The first scene was indeed rivetting, the rest of the film, 'meh'.

More like that clearly anyone who likes Drive has a broken bullshit detector.

I liked Hugo a lot, but the central relationship between the boy and the girl was rather uninspired - she's primarily there for purposes of exposition and nothing else. Scorcese seems to try to make up for it with these long weird silences in conversations between the two, but it just doesn't work.

As someone who has become pretty successful at avoiding films I think I won't like, I will say "Old Joy" (which I saw at a rep house) is one of the last films I've seen that I truly, deeply hated.

I'm a HUGE fan of Satantango, but of the other Tarr films I've seen they all pale by comparison.

"Meek's Cutoff" and "Drive" are my two 'most overrated films of 2011".

I think the show  "Seinfeld" is far superior to his stand-up.

Ha - yeah, I did too.