
I have no insider-y knowledge, but it struck me that the father is based on David Geffin (famous, powerful and gay Hollywood producer).

Rupert Murdoch (owner of FOX) is a misguided, ugly man. I have no doubt he loves it.

It would be curious there is not more outcry from the gay community about this show - except since I guess its cancelled, what would be the point?

If it's a 'parody' - it is a very flattering one. Both Alan and his father always get there way.

It is a comic trope to have stories where one person is in love with someone completely inappropriate - although good examples of this are escaping me right now - the best I can come up with are how Popeye and Blutto are smitten with comically skinny Olive Oyl, or Titania made to fall in love with an Ass in Midsummer

"….it ended up offering barely any social or cultural commentary"

^ that is to say 'two' as opposed to 'tow'

I agree, for me Zodiac really stands out like a diamond in a field of mediocrity.

Geesh, I think Fincher & co did a TERRIBLE job with exposition in The Social Network, I found the way the screenplay leaned upon the criminal deposition as a crutch to unspool reams of exposition was like a textbook model for lazy screenwriting.

I went to see "Mission Impossible" but it was sold out so ended up seeing this and enjoyed it immensely - more on the level of a big, beautiful painting than as a great piece of 'drama',  per se, but I still, I'm really glad I saw it.

MOVIES I FORGOT to put on the above list:

I put "Captain America" as my 'pleasant surprise' movie.

I loved Assassins - Miike set out to make a Japanese golden-age-style Samurai movie (like Seven Samurai) and pulls it off.

I have yet to catch up with all the big holiday movies - that said:

I wish that were so, because I really like 'backstage' types of stories and really wanted to like the show more (and I DO essentially like it despite the problems.

I completely believed him as an 'innocent' in Due South - a completely different kind of character than the director in Slings and Arrows.

You know, I have not seen that, but I trust its pretty ridiculous.

Can you rephrase that in English?

I give a shit about crappily written reviews of ANYTHING that is of interest to me, including at times pop culture fluff.

Or Gollum