
The Apu Trilogy has many heartbreaking moments (what about the Mom in part 2 or the wife in part 3?) but I think the film views tragedy as unfortunate but necessary contributors to the main character's growth, with the trilogy as a whole being ultimately uplifting.

Revolutionary Road has one of the best sad endings of recent years.

The one thing about Threads is thatĀ  it is extremely depressingĀ  before the ending, as the families disintegrate and start to abandon one another.

"the sins of the father are visited upon the son"

I think that film way overrated, and I'm usually a sucker for Japanese movies with kids and sad endings.

There is a terrific TV adaption of "Lear" that was done in the 80's (for the BBC) with Michael Hordon that has a killer ending

I disagree

that's not sad

One of the most overrated movies of modern times, although its somewhat better than "There Will Be Blood".

I don't think the VERY ending is sad, but its heartbreaking how that one kid becomes a junkie.

Hah - before reading all the replies I put "Threads" on my list.

They paste a 'happy ending' on both the TV & film version of that - although its clearly meant 'ironically' it acts like a 'buffer' on feeling really sad, at least to me.

The ambiguity is the whole point.

That was a brilliant ending, but it was a "Lady or Tiger" ending which allows the viewer to choose what happens.

Are you kidding, of COURSE it was unhappy.

I like Godfather III but it is not the masterpiece II was.

Second that - and kicking myself for not putting it on my original list.

The movie isn't a complete disaster, but my favorite way to experience that play is to listen to the long version of the original cast album.

That's not really a 'sad' ending - but love its ambivalence.

That's the only Woody Allen film I actually feel a great deal of affection for.