
It is not dangerous to one's health. It's not. You can be fat and also healthy. The two are not mutually exclusive.

I don't have an issue with him giving Drew the car, but maybe with the promise that Victor and Sydney would get it eventually? They (and especially Victor) are the ones who did most of the manual labor.

You forgot UC Sunnydale…

The OC's "The Cold Turkey" in season 4 is a great one (also season 1's "The Homecoming"), as is HIMYM's "Slapsgiving" and really any Thanksgiving ep of Friends.
I'd put in a vote for Gilmore Girls' "A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving," but that was covered just a few weeks ago.

On the one hand, obviously problems don't always go away just because you deal with them once, but I thought the show was very smart last season to have Amber directly address the fact that she DIDN'T want to end up in a relationship like her parents'.
When she broke things off with Ryan and took some time apart it

If Haddie doesn't show up for at LEAST the wedding I will be horribly angry.

ABC Family submitted Baby Mama and Melissa and Joey this season (but not Bunheads!!!!!!), so I'm sure the CW submits their lineup, but since the Emmys consistently ignore network shows, genre shows and teen shows, I'd say pretty much everything is working against TVD.

Blake Anderson and Kathryn Hahn both make for great interlopers in the "Traffic Light" episode "Stealth Bomber."

"The Chrismukk-huh?" is great and, actually, it turns Ryan and Taylor into interlopers on a version of their world that's slightly off, so it could kinda qualify. Maybe. Sorta.

That one would be good, too (and Paris Hilton as a grad student!). That episode uses its interlopers to comment on the show itself, which the OC often did very well.

It'll be covered eventually (though not for awhile), and I don't know if it qualifies since he's a returning character and former series regular, but Jess in "Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out" in season 6 of "Gilmore Girls." He gives Rory the push she needs to get out of her grandparents' house and go back to

Yeah, I thought about that one—or Mickey tagging along in series 2…actually, "The Girl in the Fireplace" would probably work well—but like you said, it kinda sucks.

There are a few episodes of "The OC" that would work—"The Outsider" in season 1 has Paul Wesley as a character that really emphasizes how much worse off Ryan could be. The (re)introduction of Trey at the end of season 2 would also work, and Chris Pratt's Che in season 4 was a recurring character, but he introduced a

He went on to become a recurring character and get his own spin-off and everything, but what about Captain Jack Harkness on Doctor Who? He certainly interlopes in "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances."

Nick Lachey on One Tree Hill wasn't nearly as crazy as Pete Wentz on One Tree Hill. Or Kevin Federline on One Tree Hill.

Also Dido. And Jesus, I guess. (Although not really, Christianity just decided to hop onto the metaphorical stair-car of a pagan holiday.)

Also Dido. And Jesus, I guess. (Although not really, Christianity just decided to hop onto the metaphorical stair-car of a pagan holiday.)

I'm psychic. No, Peter Petrelli's is on a passport or something, and I think Eileen's is mentioned when they're trying to figure out who she is. And I have a weirdly good memory for dates. Especially when they're my birthday.

I'm psychic. No, Peter Petrelli's is on a passport or something, and I think Eileen's is mentioned when they're trying to figure out who she is. And I have a weirdly good memory for dates. Especially when they're my birthday.

Hey, they stuffed me in a stocking, too! I still use it. It sheds red fluff on all my stocking stuffers, but it's a great story!