
Hey, they stuffed me in a stocking, too! I still use it. It sheds red fluff on all my stocking stuffers, but it's a great story!

I'm always in favor of nods to Elisha Cuthbert's pre-Happy Endings career.

I'm always in favor of nods to Elisha Cuthbert's pre-Happy Endings career.

In my house, Christmas is in the morning and my birthday is in the afternoon. It's not cut-and-dry, but at least in terms of presents, there's always a clear distinction.

In my house, Christmas is in the morning and my birthday is in the afternoon. It's not cut-and-dry, but at least in terms of presents, there's always a clear distinction.

As a Christmas baby, this episode was basically sitcom-plot porn to me. I've never seen it done before (the only other TV characters I can think of with a Christmas birthdays are Peter Petrelli and Eileen on Homeland). And while my parents are good people who made sure I never got gypped, I can definitely relate to

As a Christmas baby, this episode was basically sitcom-plot porn to me. I've never seen it done before (the only other TV characters I can think of with a Christmas birthdays are Peter Petrelli and Eileen on Homeland). And while my parents are good people who made sure I never got gypped, I can definitely relate to

I share a birthday with Jane in concept, but not practice. (This is actually weirdly exciting to me. Not a lot of tv characters have Christmas birthdays.)

I share a birthday with Jane in concept, but not practice. (This is actually weirdly exciting to me. Not a lot of tv characters have Christmas birthdays.)

Right now my ideal situation for the Office is a final season of 6 or 12 episodes, to bookend the series and give it a proper farewell. I think there's something tragic about a show that ran for so long ending without a real series finale (I'm a sucker for a series finale). And the show meant so much to me for so long

That's absolutely true, I'm just saying, while Emily's willing to do a lot of things for revenge, she's always had a line to some degree. I just think it's interesting that, while she obviously sees what the Graysons did as unforgivable, she's willing to do the same thing to someone else. The show didn't really draw

How about the fact that Emily framed someone for a crime they didn't commit, the same action that called for all this revenging in the first place? Obviously her framejob is on a smaller scale, and the guy she framed was a pretty bad dude, but still…two wrongs and all that.

I think it would probably raise questions about Declan's testimony, but just because there was a man in a hoodie doesn't mean that Declan and Charlotte necessarily saw him.

Wouldn't any investigation into the hoodie reveal it to be covered in Jack's DNA, though? I mean, he had the hood up over his head that night, so there are probably hairs, and we know he hasn't washed it.

Did we know before this episode that Dalia's middle name is Oprah? Because, Clueless references aside, that may have been my favorite detail.

First episode in ages without a fat joke!

It was, actually. The fate of the show was still in limbo, all we knew was that the CW might pick it up, and they wrote it in as a message: "CW?" "It's a done deal."

It's not just you. I keep coming back to the page in the hopes that things will have been fixed. (I'm sure I could just track down the articles myself, but that kind of defeats the purpose.)

Aww, you beat me to it. *puts down correcting pen*