At age 4, my daughter was adamant that she only wear black because she was Anakin Skywalker. I was pleased.
At age 4, my daughter was adamant that she only wear black because she was Anakin Skywalker. I was pleased.
Sylvester McCoy…
… was a less than satisfactory Doctor. And the writers are mostly to blame because of shit villains like the Kandy Man. FEH!
Goddess of Comedy
She makes all any material brilliant. If I'm doubtful about a show/movie, and find out she's in it, I know it'll be worthwhile. I worship the ground she improvises on.
That's some awesome hair, too. "Nap"py even.
That was fucking awesome. I like a man who can think on his feet. (And I'm partial to heavyset, furry guys as well. Win/win for Reck!)
Hey, love that ASU! There's some top quality, egalitarian, non-racist, non-politically motivated education right there. Yep.
Skee-ball is one of the lights of my life. I truly love it. That, and air hockey.
You guys are MEAN! Damn.
Um, yeah, I didn't really see what happened…
DO IT!!!
@scotteb - Are you saying that we should all wait for UP to save us from the summer doldrums, or is there something above me I should know about? ::ducks::
Don't fuck with Opie Cunningham, people. He OWNS Hollywood.
Oh, older Ewan McGregor movies. How I long for the full-frontal Ewan you used to provide. Alas, we have grown apart since he got popular enough to hide his schlong…
Can't X3 and Superman Returns BOTH suck? 'Cause they DO.
It's only fair and right that it be retconned away. It was a massive piece of suckage. Feh.
ZMF does have a point, though, about the inherent tradeoffs between individual-directed life and the compulsion to nurture offspring whose needs must take precedence over your own.
Get well soon, Riff and EvelKareebel!
What does Sean do with the rest of his time, then? Are there other, more local buzzes that need killing?
Still don't like Neil Young. I just don't like anything, to be honest with you.
That's a good pick. I couldn't get them the first couple of times, but Mr. Reck made sure I wound up seeing them MANY more times. I truly like them now, although that may just be Stockholm Syndrome.