Welcome to the Cult of Spock Worship, Riff Randell. Nimoy is god, and Sylar is his son, our redeemer. ::twitches uncontrollably, starts speaking in tongues::
Welcome to the Cult of Spock Worship, Riff Randell. Nimoy is god, and Sylar is his son, our redeemer. ::twitches uncontrollably, starts speaking in tongues::
And TOS is the only one worthy of comment, let alone watching. Ppppbbbbllllltttt. :P
Ooh, Jimmy James brings up an excellent point: beardedness in TOS = rocking bad-assitude!
I remember being puzzled (not much of a pun intended) as a child by his tights. Why would a grown man walk around in a gray turtleneck and tights?
So because they had the same genetic material, the pre-apocalyptic culture that sprang up was virtually identical? Feh, Trek Nerd.
@tibber - I had the same reaction as a kid! At first I was thinking, "Yes! The constitution! What a twist!" Then I thought (although perhaps not in so many words), "What the fuck? Is this supposed to be a random planet that just happened to parallel Earth history so precisely that the documents and symbols are the…
I don't care whether they're shilling or being swayed by popular geekdom, I am in ecstasy. Thank you, AVC Gods, for reminding me of the good and bad bits of Trek's idealism. And thanks (if I may sink to pathetic fangirldom for a moment) for the groovy picture at the head of the article. ::swoons, drowns in own drool::
WAY longer than a month, Fritzy-Poo. I've seen her intermittently for at least a year. Which is all the more reason to put her out of her misery — AVC style!
JVS is on the money, yo. I always pictured Jason Mewes speaking ZMF's comments.
Rabin's Random Roles: 1) video clerk 2) AVC writer 3)??? 4) PROFIT!
I've got the Jewish and glasses-wearing thing down. Now all I have to do is shave my head, and I'm golden!
Thx, y'all! Just wondering where that whole subsection of time-travel theory had gone off to.
What about the theory of branching time lines?
Why are the Losties convinced that if there are changes in the past it will be THEIR lives that change? Maybe it's about parallel universes that the island skips between, or they'll change the time-line for different dimension Losties.
Snotty grammar corrections rule!
"Cooze" sounds like a play-slime marketed to kids by Nickleodeon.
They've got nothing on the Fonz. Holy shit, that's some unfortunate wax sculpting.
I'm smitten by "Group of Three Stagehands." Definitely the most realistic of the bunch. That's dedicated Hollywoodiana!
The school where I used to teach had a lifesize cardboard David Hasselhoff head. We used to stick him in classroom windows, in the bathroom, by the couch in the lounge… I am still filled with paranoid dread of his gaze.
I want to have a Lucy Lawless wax doll and a Kevin Sorbo wax doll, and have them play dirty like my Barbies used to.
Xenu is rarely that succinct.