That'll do, Anarchy in the Yukon. That'll do.
That'll do, Anarchy in the Yukon. That'll do.
No, it was pretty cool. Which just throws the bland chaos of the rest of the show into sharp relief. Dammit, I wish I didn't keep hoping for the show to be good!
It's also a good thing that the gaping plot holes and weak writing aren't enough to deter truly dedicated geeks who can't stop hoping. I really need a new SF-ish show to substitute for Heroes and wean me off this crap.
Well, at least Sugartits and Prisonwine will die with smiles on their faces!
"Their wackiness was resplendently on display."
Mmmm…. nonpareils. Snowcaps rule!
When you're right, you're right!
We offer you a laurel, and hearty handshake!
We're all going to turn into pigs!
PW, if we all go out fucking, how bad could it be?
I, for one, intend to use the term "swu" to refer to the pigfluenza from now on.
Read this yesterday in the paper, and was deeply amused by how awful their relationship was even before the cutesy candy shoppe wedding. Anyone laying odds on the duration of their marriage?
Hey, don't neglect the impact of a mom with cocaine and silicone flowing through her veins.
What surprises the UK must fascinate the WORLD! The sun never sets on the trends of the British Empire.
Everyone in Colorado seems to be named some variation on Caley, Kali, Caylen, Kellin, Caitlin, Caitlynn, Katelin, Katelynn… Fuck 'em all, is my point.
It's not like they've conclusively proven that 1) the old vaccines with thimerosol as a preservative didn't actually do anything bad, and 2) modern vaccines have no such preservative, and STILL don't do anything bad.
But did you know…
According to IMDB, Mickey Rourke is also in this future classic of cinema. Nine and a Half Weeks, part 2? Woohoo! Withered husk and beat-up meat together again!
Black Badger, you beat me to it. Thanks to Firefox adblocker I've never seen ANY advertising for this potentially brilliant, witty, and insightful film, but I am certainly considering investing some time now! See, it's okay that I didn't see the ads!
"This one might not make it on to my resume…"