
Because Carol would've killed everyone at the Hilltop and we would not have had the sentimental moment of the sonogram if Maggie hadn't gone.

After Maggie said she had one more demand and it cut to the group loading up the RV, I waited for a shot of Maggie loading Gregory's painting. I was sorely disappointed when it turned out she just wanted an ultrasound.

Dennis reluctantly (but probably not) pulling the gun on people was fucking great. Same goes for Frank ditching his kids, Charlie going full Mr. Blonde, Mac investigating the Rainbow, and pretty much everything else in the episode.

Louie Anderson is fucking great on this show. It might just be because he reminds me of my mom, but he really brings life to a sort of absurd role and makes it feel real.

I'm hoping I'm less in the minority now, but Travolta as the villain was great. That "Fuck!" was really great. Speaking of, I appreciate FX not censoring the show.

For five years now, I've been saying Schmidt is my favorite character. Then Nick does something in the next scene and is my favorite character. Then Winston says something in response to what Nick just said and he is my favorite character. Then Jess is concerned about Winston's behavior and Winston continues to be

You bite your tongue. For a silly procedural, Psych was fantastic. But if Limitless can keep it up, it will give Psych a run for its money.

That Obama monologue was the greatest thing I've heard in a while. That shit made me shiver. I never thought about the fear of hope being snatched away, as Anderson perfectly reads it. Anderson fucking killed it in this episode. He's had dramatic moments before, but they never hit as hard as this. That just

This is one of the shows that I wish would get at least some semi-regular coverage. None of my friends watch it (the Chuck Lorre multi-cam is a little dissuading in a post Two and a Half Men world) but every once in a while it is so great that I need to talk about it.

I'm in the minority among my friends, and probably everyone, in enjoying both Schwimmer and Travolta. Schwimmer's been great. He really sells Kardashian as a guy that just wants the best for everyone he loves. And maybe it's because it's been so long since Travolta was in anything good, but he looks like he's

Michonne kissing Carl's head gave me feelings again, like some 14-year-old kid or something.

It just dawned on me that my brother was only 6 months old when It's Always Sunny premiered. That means these guys have been putting out consistently hilarious shit for my brother's lifetime. That's fucking crazy.

In the review for the pilot I commented about how it was good but the Grinder was better. 16 episodes in and that's no longer the case. Unlike the Grinder, Grandfathered has fleshed out its supporting cast, not just its leads. And, I'm not sure how this happened, but Christina Milian is putting in perhaps the

The genius of this show is that not only did they take the central premise and plant it in a new setting with new characters, but that it also works. This show fills the Psych-shaped hole in my life, but also keeps the world of the movie, which I was a fan of, going. For what it lacks in suspense and budget it more

You forgot about Jordan Peele running down the street regretting the tamales.

Promotional photos for episode 4 show Diane in court with Louis Canning. Not sure if it'll be important to the overall story, but it should be fun. And a promotional photo for episode 3 shows Howard hugging Jackie. That should be interesting.

I agree that Worst Week was a better live-action cartoon. I loved that show. But what I meant is that this show is doing short segments in which they focus on making the audience laugh, not have feels or teach a lesson. I disagree with the pace, though that may be because I love everyone in the cast (except the

Caffeine makes me sleepy so I usually pass out before that happens. It's weird because I always wake up in new clothes, like someone had to change me while I slept.

Looks like the network was worried people were tuning out between segments so they tried something that they hoped would entice people into sticking with the episode. Sort of like a preview for the next episode, only instead it's for the next segment.

It's not even the segment names, because the last one was "The Felling." I think they just take an aspect of each story and toss it in.